Skin switcher
Please make the SkinSwither enable for nonAdmins! I will be freakin' happy if you did that!?.. Beacuse the lambo is ugly when it isent purple!
We are trying to figure out how you can pick your colour for your car...
Okay! Cool..
Fallen. It's not a big question how to do it?
The reason admins can do it, is because they have world prop protection (or what it called).
They can pick up anything. And then, they can do it on cars.
And if they give the nonadmins it, it would just be mingeing, removing cars, throwing them away, etc etc.
It's a tool which is blocked for admins they won't be able to lift cars etc.
Yes, that's what I mean.
isnt it possible to do so people can ONLY use Skinswitcher tool and no else tool on ONLY their OWN car?
Maybe but i havn't tried it so maybe or maybe not don't get your hopes up.
There are two skins who should be changed. First the citroen, it need to be more shiny. I think it got dust on it, or else its abit dirty.

ANd the mini cooper. Its a freaking chezz board. I just need the chezz bricks and im gona become a chezz master. Maybe even joining the world tourament.
There is a problem when trying to fix the cars i have to rename all the models and materials when you do that and i need to find a way how to do it much faster and better.

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