[BUG] Car access after crash/relog
Title of Bug: Car access gone after crash/relog

Description: When I build on the Build server, RP on any server, and I crash, my car wont despawn. If I try to open it, I can't. It gives the no permissions for the car. If I try to spawn a new car, it says: You already have a car in use. This is really annoying, because if I want to switch cars, or a lambo crashes if I build, I lose my progress, and I cant park my car, nor I can use it. The staff, I couldnt find one member for two days already to fix my car. I have been having to lockpick my car all the time, and I couldnt refuel it. Waiting a full hour on another server will not despawn the car either. Please come up with a fix!
Tested it out and it seems to work fine. I still had access to my car but of course wasn't able to move it untill I repaired it, which makes sense.
Data on the build server doesn't get saved anyway, so using/buying a toolbox won't get lost in the normal servers.


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