Account hacked.
Hello there my main account got hacked,

My main account is: Darkerx
Donator above 100 dollars in total.
My account got hacked and steam support refuses to give me my account back because i forgot what paypal account i used to buy that game for, But i did verify everything else like my mastercard id card etc.

So what i would like to do is too transfer my donator stuff to my new account Called Taco you can find it if you use my IP,

I can also verify that i'm Darkerx by talking to any of you on teamspeak 3 which shows my donator tag, Also Shadow & Venom & Soulripper should be able to verify i'm me! They know me. Eisenhorn also knows me since he banned me a few times before.

I would really like to get all my stuff transfered to my new account since i can't access my stuff on my main. Thank you.
Thats bad news Sad

I think it would help the most if you provided your hacked account's steam ID so the admin's can permanently ban it (In case the hacker goes online on your account, the chances are small, but they are still there) and maybe provide the new steam ID so they can transfer all your stuff/bans to the new account.

Btw, do you still have a steam email with:
Thanks for your purchase! this is your receipt. blablabla

That email should contains a code what allows you to change your password!
Hope it helps!
Hello there steam support helped me get my account back after provided the missing information My account can get unbanned now please.

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