2 Guys breaking rules
Ok so here is the deal. My friend an i was corleone and having fun and basing (weed and stuff) Then sudenly this guy comes Name :MagicWaffle(SuperNoobs) This guy shot at us and almost killed me and my friend he was a rebel. He was basing in another corleone house and he was a rebel. So.. right now he is not breaking rules but then we shot him. He brings hes friend name called : kæk< DWa<jksdkab(SuperNoobs) and he is a corleone so a rebel guy and a corleone is teaming up. And here is the fun part my friend and i were corleone to so.. And + they prop blocked. They said i breaked some rules 2 but idk what i rule it was so.. and i asked him and he didn't answered me so here is the proof. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BuI_zI_...e=youtu.be
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