Ban-Request Xflash
Thread Title: Xflash Randomraid and RDM

Name of player: Xflash

SteamID: STEAM_0041381581

Time in GMT: 2013-11/19 16:24 Paristime

Server: V2d

Summary: i just got out of my house in appartments of bills usedcars then this man xflash steps closer to my room and hears a printersound just as i did and he asked if it was mine and i said yes, as you can see in the video, and he pulls out a shotgun and shoots me in the face wich is invalid reason to raid as citizen and pretty much RDM to.

Evidence: got a video of the situation. and the text tells the story over ^

Accused player was found guilty of raiding as citizen. Unnecessary killing.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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