Random Raid
Name of players:
^1PATINI GORMITI, chalgnecopletes, rudruner

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:31482808, Changed steam name so i can't find ID, 2 possible Steamid's: STEAM_0:0:72788032 & STEAM_0:1:73319694

Time in GMT: 19:30 +1gmt

Server: v33x

Summary: I was having some weed at mtl alone, the rebel leader (his name was something with unicorn in it) then joins me, he doesn't farm weed but he just talks with me. Suddenly he yells The corleones are raiding us, and thats where i start to take screenshots, I did nothing to provocate them, i had 0 kills.

Evidence: http://steamcommunity.com/id/machiscool/screenshots/ Last 13 Screenshots there is my evidence.

That unicorn guy who was the rebel leader is a witness.
Insufficient evidence, can you back your claims with anything additional other than a witness?
Not other than that i had 0 kills, can't you check the logs and see that i never did anything to them?
After detailed investigation of case, it has been concluded that there was no sufficient reason to raid property.


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