Unban Request- Rob
Your name:Rob

Your ban ID:35609

Banned by: [FL] Narcotic

Reason: Ban Request #35364 Approved: Killing at spawnpoint several times. Basically I revenge rdmed.

Involved: Dor54321, Dannywrix, and some other guy

Why we should unban you:I admit I did rdm that guy many times as shown in the video.In the video I sound like a raging 10 year old and I rage quit for a reason. I went to the bmd spawn to ask them if they would like to buy some guns. Then dor54321 pulled a knife and rdmed me first. This is when I went into rage mode and came in like a little 10 year old raging squeaker and rdmed him many times. Now I have no video proof but if you check the logs it shows he killed me first. Now thats all the proof I have and Dannywrix joined me in the rdmed because he told me Dor rdmed him too. So I feel that yes, I should be punished for rdm. However I feel that either my time be reduced or he gets some ban time also, because he did rdm me first. Now I did kill him about 3 to 4 times just cause he killed me once. But next time instead of taking matters into my own hands I will record and post ban request.

-Thanks for listening Rob

P.S It only took me 3 days to post br cause I was on vacation and came back banned :'(
You RDM'd which is as I believe a serious offence. Consider yourself lucky that it's not a perm ban.
Infact I did Rdm you. But see your rdmed first as you said its a serious offense. The question is why are you not banned. Wait nevermind I was browsing through the unban requests. Oh look your name. I'd appricate it if you would just leave and let the admin decide what he wants to do.
Yeah don't be a butthurt backseat admin acialwip
You just accused me of RDMing but I was never in this situation.
Was it not you and Dor that I rdmed?
Do not post an unban request if you broke the rules.
The evidence that is shown in the report on you clearly shows you violating the CityRP rules. As stated in the ban reason, you spawnkilled several players, several times. You also just admitted to revengekilling.

Appeal denied as ban was deemed sufficient on grounds stated above.

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