Ban Request on Jos
Name of player:Jos

SteamID: Can't find it This steam page picture matches with the one we saw on the server at the time:

Time in GMT: 23:06

Server: 33x

Summary:I was president and Jos started randomly shooting people so i demoted him. After this he came back to the Nexus where i was on the bottom floor when he asked me "Do you like being president?" i didn't respond but he then said "'cus i'm going to Ddos the server" after arresting him for being behind the nexus desk i continued upstairs to my office. i then received a Pm from him saying "Ready? Wink"
at which point the connection error came up and then i got the message saying lost connection to server. Coincidence i think not!

Evidence: I have a friend who was a witness to this event and will post below. I would also suggest checking the logs for the Pm he sent me right before the server crash.
I was witness to this i can confirm that he did say these things to Marco i heard him say all of this over the mic, Then marco said he got a pm off him saying "ready Wink" and then the server started counting down and then got the message saying lost connection to server.

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