why did you black list me?
Your name: Vrkiller victor (Steam friends name)

Your blacklist ID: 6 in total
Steam ID:

Reason: "Random raiding as a Citizen. Learn some passive RP." - from Fearless blacklist

Admin who blacklisted you: [FL] DoomDude1

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: Well i haven't done anything i can remember, after two weeks i logged in and i was just blacklisted, i don't get it. What have i done to become black listed, and to think i was even going to donate today (i know that dosen't give me any advantages) ):
15449 <-- this is you blacklist ID
VrKiller [The Family]
Random raiding as a Citizen. Learn some passive RP.
7 hours and 2 minutes
[FL] DoomDude1
Excuse me i know that, i just don't get why i got "Random raiding as a Citizen. Learn some passive RP." When i didn't random raid?
Sorry it took me this long to reply, other stuff came up.

The truth is I don't remember your case at all. Is there anything else you can add to jog my memory?
No interest show, denied.

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