Ban request on SteeL
Name of player: [FL:RP] SteeL

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:46296547

Time in GMT: 16:45 - i'm not sure what denmark is located in. It's in GMT definitely.

Server: v2d

Summary: He advertised that everyone who would come to UM would be shot on sight. I was long away from UM, and then i got shot. I did not get pictures, as i died rather quickly, so there might've been two snipers, you can probably confirm this in the logs. The reason i'm making this BR, is because i heard that KOS is not allowed, and banable. And i wasn't even close to UM, but again, i cannot proof this, and i cannot proof my death either, but the logs can.

Evidence: -
He is already banned for shooting everyone in sight and RDM'ing.
I vouch though. He shot everyone simply being on the road leading to UM (even driving away from the UM).
User already banned for stated offense.


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