Unban request
[b]Your name:Millerterrence

[b]Your ban ID:32573

[b]Banned by:[FL] Fultzy

[b]Reason:Complete FailRP / Purposely ramming into cars / CDM (13th last chance

[b]Involved:Gohome14 and me

[b]Why we should unban you:I think this ban unfair because that I did nothing wrong here and did not understand y it was fail rp. I also only cdm 1 person and didn't ram other peoples cars on purpose the cars were just in the middle of the street. I hope u can give me one more chance to correct myself. I will try my hardest not to do it again. Thank you and if u need more edvince ask gohome14 because he was there and saw everything.
You were going back and forth at top speed in your BMW intentionally ramming into your friend throughout the city. Was iisnt failRP about that?

And you ended up running someone over because of this. You ran into everything in your way and you almost drilled numerous people. You have now 13 bans and the next one is going to be your last.
since it wasn't failrp can u lower the time
(05-30-2013, 09:09 PM)Millerterrence Wrote: since it wasn't failrp can u lower the time

Who said it wasn't FailRP? Fultzy has even pointed out how FailRP it was.
If you dont know that is failRP after your 13th ban you really need this break.

Reread the rules and try to understand what you have done wrong thirteen times now. The next one will not be a nice ban.


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