Sound error

This is a problem I am experiencing with my headphones.
When someone calls me on steam , my sound stops to come out from my headphones and instead , it comes out from my laptop.

I can't re-plug the headphones , it doesn't work.
Instead I have to restart my PC.

Could I get some help?
Make sure you headset is set to your Default PlayBack Device. Or go to Steam settings and go to voice and click detect Audio Devices or something like that.
(02-10-2013, 06:32 PM)Toxic Sn0w Wrote: Make sure you headset is set to your Default PlayBack Device. Or go to Steam settings and go to voice and click detect Audio Devices or something like that.

I also get this thing if I am AFK for too long.
Maybe try VAC? lol i'm not good with audio stuff xD

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