I'm Baaack
So, resently I have been working on a YouTube channel with a good friend of mine that I owe to fearless for meeting Lsacplaner. We started are channel www.youtube.com/TheLudoCave and I have been thinking on doing some funtages and series videos, so you may see me from time to time on both v2d and v2p I wont be extreamly active but I will show up as often as I can to do some fun videos. I'm back bitches!! Unicorn's back!!

-Sincerely Ludo
[Image: QAlZlgi.png]
Welcome back Ludo!
Welcome back, Ludo.

( )
( )>
(im the best at drawing whales)

EDIT: Onixcome, since it looks more like Onix
EDIT2: Or Snakecome, Whatever
You may not know me, but welcome to back to Fearless! Cheese
Welcome back.
Welcome back Cheese
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
Welcome back Smile

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