2x Ban Request
Name of player: FrezzyPop
Name of player: [FL:RP] ShareCrow

SteamID: Can't faind
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:53411460

Time in GMT: 1:00

Server: v2d

Killing people on the sidewalk.
Interfering with normal life.
Intentionally causing a car accident.
Annoy people.

Most of the reasons he mentioned we're incorrect. We told him several times that he was building in public without permission. Then when we tried to convince him in our humorous ways.. However, narcotic then came to him and deleted his props so we left him alone. He then started to be abusive so we followed him around. I think this is just a minge wanting someone banned personally. As we've left him alone. Of course it doesnt help the fact he broke NLR multiple times and attempted to prop kill.
(01-03-2013, 06:43 PM)ShareCrow Wrote: the fact he broke NLR multiple times and attempted to prop kill.

There is nothing like Turn offered in attacking...
I say banned, i hate when people do this.
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