Ohai thar! It's me, TheGuyNL :)
Hey Fearless community!

I have owned Garry's mod for a while now (got 100+ hours on it) but I never played any roleplay server before. Well, I have been on a few DarkRP servers but these were no fun and just bad and makes your game crash. Now I found the Fearless CityRP servers and they are truthly amazing. Everything works well and I have had alot of fun yesterday.

When I was playing I noticed this was a strong community of people which love what they play and have alot of fun with it. So I want to become a part of this community!

So here I am, I'm known as TheGuyNL outside of roleplay and on roleplay I am known as Guy Vicus. As you might already have thought of, I'm from The Netherlands. I love it here and I will probably stay here for the rest of my life but I can speak English well so I can communicate with you guys!

I hope to have a fun time in this community. Have a nice day.

Welcome to the Fearless Community TheGuyNL!
I'm almost certain that you'll really like the great community we have here!
If you have any questions at all, private message any of the users with pink/purple/green/brown names!
(Especially Grub, who loves Private Message spam!)

Have fun!
Hey TheGuyNL, welcome to the Fearless community!
I've played once in DarkRP, but I didn't like it.
Anyways, I hope you'll have good time here. See you on the servers. Smile
Welcome to Fearless! Smile
Hello and welcome to the Fearless community TheGuyNL, I'm glad you want to be a part of our community here.
If you have any queries, feel free to hit me up with a PM.
Otherwise, I shall see you in-game. Wink
Welcome to Fearless! Also played on DarkRP before I discovered Fearless, it didn't really interest me.
Howdy and Welcome!

UTLong kinda hit home base. If you have any questions feel free to send me a PM. I don't mind it.

Anyways Welcome hope you have a great time.
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub
Welcome to la fearless community! You´ll love it here, I promise you! If you have any question, check out the help and support or just pm me! Cheese Once again, welcome.
Kind Regards,
Hello TheGuyNL. Welcome to the world of Fearless.

Before you start roleplaying, there's a few things you might want to read. If you're not familiar with roleplaying, or you just need some more knowledge about how it's done, I suggest you read the official Guide to Roleplaying, you should also make sure that you have read the rules.

I suggest you pay a visit to the Help & Support section to find more basic information about such things as binds and prices.
Remember to become an active member of the community, you can make a lot of friends and have loads of fun here at Fearless.

I hope you're going to enjoy your time here, as we're certainly going to enjoy having you here.
Hello and welcome to the Fearless Community!
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]

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