ban request to (WBA Com.)Com. ドリームス
Name of player: ban request to (WBA Com.)Com. ドリームス

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:2820379

Time in GMT:7:50 in finland

Server:Evocity V2d

Summary:i was just normally playing RP when i noticed an another minge lifting cars with keyboard prop and pushing cars towards players with it.
i didnt have more time to post this thread at the morning since school started.

(if you cannot see the video, pleasse wait few minutes due to it might still be uploading.)
Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player ((WBA Com.)Com. ドリームス, STEAM_0:0:2820379) was violating rules by Prop pushing cars with intention to propkill.
Suspension will be applied for 2 weeks.

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