ban request to gamecube 1200
Name of player: gamecube1200

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39183994

Time in GMT:the time this was posted, 7:50 AM in finland

Server:Evocity V2D

Summary:i had connected about 5 minutes ago when this player just started to randomly kill people with weapons,props and so on..., he has about 1 hour of played time, first he used hes fists to annoy people, ad when people got out a weapon, gamecube killed them with props. i happened to have a knife in my inventory, so after i was dead he continued annoying people with a knife.

(still uploading for few minutes but you will see it)
Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player (gamecube1200, STEAM_0:0:39183994) was found violating rules regarding RDM .
Suspension will be applied for 2 Days .

[FL] Jamie
Server Administrative Team

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