ban request to mass propkiller
Name of playesr: floribust

SteamID's: floribust: STEAM_0:1:39512359
Time in GMT:the time this post was made

Server:EvoCity V33X FL:RP

Summary:i was just walking around as i came in the server earlies about 10 minutes ago, then i saw these 2 guys just going crazy about something and starting to mass prop kill and propspam. i dont think there was an admin there when this happened. (in the floribusts evidence video, the record was a demo and thats why theres the red text, but you should stlll be able to see his name and props)


the result finally(qualtiy sucks because server turned so laggy)
There already exists a thread of those people.
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
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