Rebel House
Well that is good to know.
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

Anyone stopped basing there
And as long as I remember it happened immideatly after windows on Rebels house second floor (which many other RP servers call it Condemned) were permanently barricaded to prevent people who prop climb or give each other a boost, to get in
(10-20-2012, 11:55 PM)Tomorrow Wrote: *sigh*
Anyone stopped basing there
And as long as I remember it happened immideatly after windows on Rebels house second floor (which many other RP servers call it Condemned) were permanently barricaded to prevent people who prop climb or give each other a boost, to get in

Even without props or people to help they can jump up and if it is used as a house because it has breakable windows if you had a file cabinet they'd take the stuff... Like what a cop did to me ages ago when i first joined.

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