Passive RP Event
Sad to miss things like:
1) great peaceful Passive RP
2) minges whining about server being boring

That would have been great opportunity for my delivery service clan RP
yeah to bad i missed it but was my own choice , hope i can join later
(10-06-2012, 03:30 AM)Doomdude1 Wrote: I have to say, the event was a success!
I was able to do my "Le Fud" (didn't pick the name, don't blame me) restaurant RP in peace. It was great, after the aggressive players left the server, mumbling about it being "boring and gay".

I just find it sad that the server needs a global BAN on weapons in order for passive RPs to actually work.

Can't wait until the next "Passive night"

I like the name :3

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