Rdm an random cuffing and arresting by cops.
Ruxandra and her fellow cop team random raided us without warrant and killed me and a bunch of guys and arrested a few and when i came back after 4 minutes she started doing what you can see in the video.
all thoe i didnt manage to record when she raided in you can see enaugh of her fail rping.
and you can also see she asks for a warrant in the middle of a "raid" in the video oh and sorry about the song i was listening to some songs when this happened

You got reported for shooting civillians outside your base. We decided to form up and raid the base, some of you were armed and got shot, the resting being handcuffed and arrested.

After being unarrested, you had the bright idea of coming back while we were still there, hencefore being arrested again.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
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It looks like you were arrested and tased for affiliation, if you were in fact not breaking any laws.

Affiliation is arrest-able in real life too...

Denied. Next time use template too.
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