another ban thread to Drunken salarian
Name of player: Drunken salarian

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:15632931

Time in GMT:right this time when i posted this.

Server:FL:RP Evocity V2d

Summary:the man was just came in the server he got 1 hour played in the server. he bought molotovs and randomly threw them. and took props (gigantic) and lit them into fire. then he just started to push/kill people around. i dont have so much material because i had hurry to fix and run fraps.

Evidence: :
wth is up wit the evidence link?
[Image: 1znn71s.png] ALL credits to Forceghost wuv you.
why? with me it works fine
it should be=
try this http address
Edit your post with: STEAM_0:1:15632931
Its his steam ID, this helps the admins to ban this minge.
i have added it. just thought to bring this up. admins not seen this
Ban request approved.
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