Ban Request Hardi112 (fin)
Name of player: hardi112 (fin)

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42054807

Time in GMT:15:35 (France)

Server: v2d

Summary:this guy was blocking the Nexus elevator ,I told him To move.We were both Cops so i couldnt taze him. He didnt want tomove and then he start Shooting at me and killed me .

Evidence: :
To see Him kill me you will have too check the log i think.

Thank you if you can do something.
hah where is picture when u started shootnig me? i just defenced myself.
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Hardi is also a fail mayor. I was raiding him because of his stupid laws and when i get up their he is prop blocking and prop flashing making it immposible to raid him

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i had security and keybads for it and all worked fine. u mad cause i got away from u
There is no picture when i shoot you ,just because i didn't shot ,It was you who shot me ,So Please Next time you try to defend yourself don't tell sh** like that. Please.
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Hardi; My English teacher would kill you if you were in her class.

Oh and he tried to kill me as cop when I was the President.

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i was trying to get out of elevator but u started to use bad words on me. so i wanted to talk.
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Just say to the president "president demote [name]"
Reason: blocking elevator.

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I just want to say one thing Hardi you are such a minge when no admins are online you break so many rules i can say some right now 1. One time i demoted you from hss you become ss and kill me 2. One time when you failed with a raid you came back prop killed everyone and prop climb and rdm me 3. One time when we had contras (corleones base) and you were a corleone you destroyed all our contras and the reason was "i needed money" 4. One time when i demoted you from ss you became a rebel and used the code (meta) to get in and prop killed me.

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(04-07-2012, 09:35 AM)SuperMiso Wrote: I just want to say one thing Hardi you are such a minge when no admins are online you break so many rules i can say some right now 1. One time i demoted you from hss you become ss and kill me 2. One time when you failed with a raid you came back prop killed everyone and prop climb and rdm me 3. One time when we had contras (corleones base) and you were a corleone you destroyed all our contras and the reason was "i needed money" 4. One time when i demoted you from ss you became a rebel and used the code (meta) to get in and prop killed me.
I have recalled he has prop-killed me multiple times before too.

His former bans:
Propkilling le owner


DC to avoid arrest + Ban Request Approved ForceGhost

Thats it, you get a break for 2 hours for being inmature to the Staff

Climbing on roofs

Dont you RDM

Not respecting admin decisions, failRP

Clear and blatent RDM/Powergaming


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