Ban Request - Genki
Name of player: Genki

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42848692

Server: (On which of our servers did it happen? rp_EvoCity v2d or v33x?)

Summary: In an advert, he said there was a cannibal (him), on the loose. CDizzler and I were minding our own business when he shows up at our house. He randomly starts shooting and kills both of us. He preceeds to pretend to eat us.


Evidence 1

Evidence 2

Evidence 3

This kid is a total minge. Please do something.

I am on currently with him. It's horrible. Sad

EDIT: Everything in this ban request is true. He's running around RDMing everyone, killing cops, propspamming, blocking, killing, etc. He blocks off whole tunnels, spawns, etc!
Agreed with Hooter. This guy is completely untrustworthy. The streets of evo city would be much safer without this complete minge. Also a reason why cops shouldn't be able to be cops at 4 hours.
Ugh its been how many days and still nothing.
Ban request approved.
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