Estleback Corporation
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Evening all,
Tonight's message will be short and succinct.
Since our last public statement, we have made further advances in our goal to stop Fulcrum and their twisted desires for EvoCity. We know this because they stepped out of the shadows tonight, a great sign of weakness from them.
Instead of maintaining their operations from above the fray, thanks to both the great initiatives of our operatives as well as a good amount of public support, Fulcrum have moved to attack us by luring us to a staged meeting, before setting both our vehicle and the building we were investigating on fire. Unfortunately for them, it takes more than that to stop us.
Things are moving in the right direction, but we must remain vigilant of the constant threat of destruction that Fulcrum poses to the city until it is completely extinguished.
Stay alert, EvoCity.
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Deputy Director of the Estleback Corporation
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The following 9 users Like Lewwings's post:
  • Wolven, max., TonettaFan #2319, Equinox, TheSiphon, EquinoxSkyZ, Link, Grizzly, Centurion
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Operation Advance
The past few days have been thrilling ones for the Estleback Corporation as we discovered new lows but also new highs.
On the 2nd of October, we suffered an incredible setback as we were under attack by Fulcrum once again. On this particular day, we had scheduled a meeting with two ex-Fulcrum associates that were informing us of what our traditional enemy was planning. Upon our arrival at the agreed destination, we were greeted by four Agents of Fulcrum, who had assassinated our informants and their designated protection. This caused great alarm as it was obvious that Fulcrum had infiltrated our communications and destabilised our work against them. These agents, who lacked discernible features, made a barrage of threats against us before passing on the news that our headquarters had been set alight.
When we raced back to our headquarters, it was indeed in flames, with more Fulcrum Agents assembled outside who were watching us blankly. It became clear to all of us that this was a coordinated attack, and as a result the corporation shifted itself into an underground phase while we assessed our own internal security and how we could respond to this growing threat. Our response was Operation Advance - a secretive mission that would see us locating and detaining Philip Marlowe, the leader of Fulcrum.
On the 6th of October, our brave and loyal personnel arrived at the Outlands Bar, where we conducted a briefing on Fulcrum and their history with the Estleback Corporation, both in EvoCity and internationally, bringing our operatives up to speed on the complex enemy they were to be working against. Once our operatives were both rallied and readied up, two separate squads of undercover Estleback personnel headed towards the city centre, where our intel suggested Marlowe was. They were led by CFO Jeremy Curtis and SFO Edgar Halliwax, with sound advice from former Director Steve Burwin.
Instead of a simple 'spot and grab' job, Estleback members faced a conundrum when two individuals were spotted who matched our description of Marlowe - leading to pro-active methods of identifying which individual was actually the man we were after. Whilst we were conducting this, the occupants of one our vehicles flagged that they were being followed avidly by another vehicle. Fearing that their cover had been blown, they engaged in a series of evasive manoeuvres to try and shake the tailing car off. When these attempts failed, decisive action to lead and block the car in any alleyway to resolve the issue was taken. In the end though, it simply turned out to be a massive fan who had somehow managed to recognise us. He was released without further incident.
Refocusing on our operation mission, we managed to identify the real Marlowe and hatched a plan to carry out a discreet detaining of him. Once again, our operatives employed pro-active methods of achieving this aim. After Marlowe was secured, he was transported to the Industrial area as a mysterious fire on the road prevented us from making our way back to the Outlands Bar. As we were setting up an impromptu base while awaiting for Estleback International personnel, a Fulcrum Agent appeared and quickly made his way inside, before attempting to flee with Marlowe. As luck would have it however, sirens blared loudly from outside as police had been called to the scene by a concerned citizen. Using the sudden police involvement to our advantage, a smoke grenade was activated to obscure our positions and to secure Marlowe. Once the smoke had cleared, the Agent had disappeared - we're sure that we will meet him again though.
After some brief police involvement, we were able to successfully conclude Operation Advance with Philip Marlowe under Estleback Corporation detention - ensuring that Fulcrum and the rest of its leadership do not attack Estleback personnel or property for at least some time. Enough time for us to reassert our place as the defenders of good and progression in this marvellous city.
With that being said, the Estleback Corporation thanks you for reading this latest update on our operations. For those of you who found this to be an interesting recollection of events and would like to contribute to the betterment of EvoCity, we'll be hosting a Recruitment Centre on the 9th of October from 8pm BST so feel free to drop by.
Below is declassified photos from yesterday's event.

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The following 13 users Like Lewwings's post:
  • Link, Self, Equinox, ART, TheSiphon, Boonan, EquinoxSkyZ, Toe Shmicki, MasterNoda, max., _George_, Grizzly, Centurion
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Applications for the vacant ‘Director of Development’ position have been opened.
A description of the position defines it as “an integral position that oversees both the creative and technical aspects of developing new initiatives and enterprises, alongside managing them for proper launch and service”.
Duties covered by the 'Director of Development' role include:
  • Leading the implementation of any projects or events that fall under the criteria of non-security based ‘development’, such as a new base, project, or commerce initiative.
  • Acting as the Governance member responsible for the Engineering and Media specialisations, and keeping up communications and relations with the specialisation leads.
  • Liaising with the Director regarding the progress and implementation of the projects they are working on.
  • If applicable, running a project operation indefinitely.
  • Maintaining and amending previous projects.
  • Continuously reviewing the operations and procedures of the clan, identifying issues or areas of improvement, and implementing processes to better the structure and workflow.
Qualities that are sought in candidates are:
  • Diplomacy
  • Leadership
  • Proactivity
  • Vision
If you believe that you are the candidate the Governance is seeking, you can apply for this position by sending a letter to Deputy Director James Fegan, with the following covered:
  • What you want to get out of the position
  • What you would do with the position
  • Why you would be the right fit for the job, including prior experience
Applications will be open until 27/10/2021 at 12AM BST.
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Deputy Director of the Estleback Corporation
[Image: jUcv1hb.png]
The following 7 users Like Lewwings's post:
  • Equinox, Grizzly, Link, max., Molyneux481, MasterNoda, Centurion
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A new Director of Development

Ten days ago, Jack Thompson (Self) felt as if he no longer had the time to properly dedicate himself to the DoD role and resigned with immediate effect. While this a loss from our Governance, we appreciate the time that Mr Thompson had put into this role, and are glad that he will be sticking with us as a Field Operative.

Tonight, his successor has been chosen. After careful consideration, we are excited to announce that Edgar Halliwax (Equinox) has been elevated to the Director of Development position. We believe that Mr Halliwax has a lot of promise and creativity that will greatly aid him and the Estleback Corporation moving forward.

Many thanks.
[Image: jUcv1hb.png]
The following 9 users Like Lewwings's post:
  • TonettaFan #2319, Boonan, Equinox, Grizzly, max., TheSiphon, Link, MasterNoda, Centurion
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A new Director of Management

Another promotion to our Governance has occurred tonight. This time to fill the Director of Management position which has been vacant since mid-September.

The Governance has carefully reviewed all possible candidates for the role. After some internal discussion, we are thrilled to announce that Boris Johnson (Boonan) has been advanced to the Director of Management position. We believe that Mr Johnson has the dedication and character necessary to assist himself and the Estleback Corporation moving forward.

Many thanks.
[Image: jUcv1hb.png]
The following 8 users Like Lewwings's post:
  • Equinox, Molyneux481, Link, Boonan, MasterNoda, Grizzly, TheSiphon, Centurion
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Lab Rat

On the 18th of November, we made contact with former Fulcrum scientist Dr Jean-Pierre Barrot. Dr Barrot reached out to us after discovering that his research on a Coronavirus cure was instead being used to develop a biological superweapon that could be used in warfare.

Fulcrum initially funded his research on a cure for COVID-19, however an experiment that involved the creation of a Coronavirus mutation to better understand how to defeat the virus changed the course of Dr Barrot's work. Fulcrum seized this mutation, and trialled it at the Villas a few weeks ago - this was the mystery illness we dealt with. The Estleback Corporation urges extreme caution as this variant of Coronavirus, COVID-22, is a much more deadly version of the disease. It can weaken a healthy person in a matter of hours, leaving them reliant on a machine to survive. COVID-22 also spreads faster, adding to its seriousness.

Concluding that Dr Barrot was a well-meaning scientist duped by Fulcrum, we allowed him to leave the city and return to his native France as he feared repercussions from his former employer. Our operatives swiftly began to seize valuable research and documentation, both physical and digital, however in the middle of this effort a fire broke out which forced us to take what we had and return to base. We believe Fulcrum was behind the fire.

Upon our return to the Estleback Headquarters, we briefly became acquainted with an 'Agent C', apparently a special operative for Fulcrum. Unlike his fellow Agents however, he has an identifiable moniker and instead of issuing blanket threats, instead warned us that Fulcrum had progressed too far and needed to be destroyed. Before leaving, he provided us with an invitation to a ball known as 'Night of the War Dead'. While this has left us perplexed, it allows us access to new opportunities to deal with the Fulcrum threat.

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Emmy Award 2021 Security

Saturday the 20th of November allowed the Estleback Corporation the grand opportunity to once again conduct some of our high-quality security operations. Employed by Moonlite Productions to secure and defend their Emmy Award 2021 event, our operatives did so with great focus and skill. This can be evidenced due to the lack of any major security incidents throughout the duration of both the main awards ceremony as well as the afterparty.

The only credible threat was a masked man who attempted to equip a rifle in the bathroom of the afterparty, however thanks to our operatives' great awareness and communication, the threat was neutralised and the man in question detained and removed from the event.

We thank Moonlite Productions for once again allowing us to demonstrate our high-quality skills, and hope those who attended had a safe and enjoyable experience.

Spoiler: Security Contract Media
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The following 9 users Like Lewwings's post:
  • Jessixa, -DanTheMan-, Equinox, Violet DE Kittie, max., MasterNoda, TheSiphon, EquinoxSkyZ, Grizzly
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Rising Tensions

The Estleback Corporation provided assistance and relief to Mercy Hospital after it was overwhelmed by members of the public who had caught the COVID-22 mutation. Assisting Dr Daniel Forde, our operatives worked diligently yet steadfastly in maintaining public safety as well as ensuring those infected received adequate levels of care.

During this time we dealt with many events, including a patient sent mad by his infection, an armed individual who tried to slow us in neutralising the coronavirus threat, and the reappearance of 'Agent C' (identifiable with his spotty tie). It was this encounter with 'Agent C' that provided us with critical information: that Fulcrum is planning to use this virus modification against us in their war campaign, and in the process causing untold amounts of damage to innocent population centres across the globe.

Director Noah Grayson immediately kickstarted the effort to use Dr Barrot's research notes to create a vaccine upon learning of this plan, and Estleback soon intends to roll out a vaccine service to the general public so that Fulcrum's strategy can be stopped as early as possible.

We would also like to note that, unfortunately, several people did lose their lives after being hospitalised due to the aggressiveness and speed of the COVID-22 virus on people. We would like to take this opportunity to make it clear that their demise will not have been in vain, and that Fulcrum will pay for this inhumane plot.

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~ Equinox ~
The following 6 users Like Equinox's post:
  • Lewwings, Boonan, max., LikeSimon, Grizzly, EquinoxSkyZ
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Day of The Agents

Tonight the Estleback Corporation carried out a vaccine rollout for protection against the COVID-22 virus mutation. We stationed ourselves at many locations throughout the city, including Shopping Street, the City Park, and Industrial. Additionally, we also had a mobile vaccinations service that allowed us to reach the less populated areas of the city. Overall, this operation was a success for our organization and a success for EvoCity as it will protect them from this virus strain.

As the vaccine for COVID-22 would destroy Fulcrum's plans to use it as a weapon in their war against us, there was a strong reaction to our vaccine operation from their Agents. Various Agents attacked our personnel and destroyed our vehicles, along with the vaccine vials inside them. Despite this strong reaction, our team remained strong and dedicated to ensuring that EvoCity would remain as safe and as coronavirus-free as possible.

Our Fulcrum contact, 'Agent C' made yet another appearance tonight to provide us with further COVID-22 vaccine vials to prevent Fulcrum's success. As a result, we were able to pull through and vaccinate past our initial target. After being tailed by a particular Fulcrum vehicle for a duration of time, our operatives decided to camp out in the Farms in an attempt to lure the Agent into a trap. Instead, the Fulcrum vehicle rammed through a fence, with 'Agent C' emerging. He explained that he had just taken out the Agent who was following us, and that he was certain that Fulcrum knew he had gone rogue, elaborating that he would soon be eliminated. He further explained to us that he merely joined for his own gain in business extortion, and that the use of COVID-22 would damage his personal interests; he acted to stop Fulcrum and that Estleback was his means of doing so.

By doing so, he brought Fulcrum's master-plan to an end. In a way it is quite fitting that someone who went about their business as part of a homogenous identity would end up turning against that same identity to protect his personal aims, thus becoming an individual. While it is undoubtable that 'Agent C' lived as a villain, he died a hero.

Unfortunately the media from our event only contained classified information, and therefore cannot be shared with the public.
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The following 5 users Like Boonan's post:
  • Lewwings, Equinox, TheSiphon, Grizzly, max.
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Night of the War Dead

The Estleback Corporation can proudly announce the end of the war with Fulcrum, as well as the end of all Fulcrum activities in EvoCity as of today. 

This is a great achievement for our organization, especially after months of trouble and tension. This has all been brought to an end thanks to the strength and skill of our operatives, who are the backbone to the spreading of our message and of our work.

This saga of events began at the City Station, where our operatives assembled out of sight to avoid drawing any attention to ourselves. After being greeted by Director Noah Grayson and Deputy Director Matthew Jones, the team took an available train ride to Wilshire Boulevard, just across from the MTL, where Fulcrum were scheduled to be hosting a celebratory event known as 'Night of the War Dead' to symbolise the fall of Estleback. Arming up and prepared to storm the show for a final confrontation, our operatives moved in swiftly and decisively on the venue in order to maintain the element of surprise.

Upon our entry into the 'Night of the War Dead' however, we were greeted with a surprising sight: no guests, no Agents, just a rambling Marlowe drifting from topics such as our quadcopter, Grayson's space interests, and the failure of his COVID-22 plans. In the midst of his rant, he let slip that his superiors and international guests had suddenly gotten cold feet to the event once his position looked weak, and thus nobody showed up.

After successfully detaining the lone Philip Marlowe, another twist occurred. James Fegan, the former Deputy Director who had been presumed dead after a sniper attack, burst into the room and was tailed by the remains of the Agents. Fegan, clearly aware the alarm he had just created, played up the theatrics by making his way to a prominent place in the room before revealing that he had grown disillusioned with Estleback after its failure to properly live up to its hype, and seeing Fulcrum as less constrained, chose to jump ship. Furthermore, Fegan claimed responsibility for organizing the assassination of Louis Blackman, so that he could increase his influence within Estleback before staging his own assassination to cripple to organization's public image and ability to function.

However, in the midst of this explanation, Fegan boldly declared that he was taking over Fulcrum from Marlowe, causing an attack on Fegan by Mr Marlowe in a fit of rage. The Agents sided with Fegan, showing the unstable power dynamic within Fulcrum, before being forced out by our operatives. Following this, we fully arrested Philip Marlowe, however we could do the same to James Fegan, he bolted out the door and engaged in a gunfight with the operatives chasing him - this ultimately led to his actual death.

After this set of events, we began to transport Marlowe back to our city headquarters, but faced some setbacks along the way such as one of the Agents trying to assassinate Marlowe on behalf of Fulcrum and an interruption to our convoy by members of the Shmicki Family and Meron-Tai who took Marlowe from our team - which temporarily frustrated our mission. Despite this, we were able to discuss with members of the two aforementioned clans about their meddling with our work, and after noting some sort of grudge in relation to Fulcrum and Marlowe, in addition to requesting an Agent that we had also detained, we left Marlowe in their hands, followed shortly by the Agent - although whether or not they got to him or not is unknown, as he was dropped off by us at Cub Foods Parking and left to his own devices.

Concluding that eventful night, we conducted a joyous debriefing and are now working on what to do next as an organization. After almost nine years, this clan still has many promising plans in the works so stay tuned.

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The following 7 users Like Lewwings's post:
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