Benjamin Linus
Reported User(s): Benjamin Linus

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:48384932

Date & Time (GMT): 8/12/2021 @ 3:38 GMT

Summary of the incident
So i was living in the Villas, when some players like Uex and DankNukem ( Uex & DankNukem are not involved tho ) got an advertisement saying that the villas are off limits and who ever comes near it, they will be taken down by shots, When Benjamin Linus had only one property owned at that time, I replied to him saying will i live at villas and you can't do such a thing.. also said that there is two properties aren't owned yet so who ever wants to come they can, Benjamin Linus took it seriously and said who ever lives in villas they will be raided.. i got prepared and waited.. saw Benjamin Linus stalking around my house, so i came up to him pointed a gun on him and took as a hostage, he was failingrp when i took him inside, I acted like i don't know him, and said you are the only neighbor i have in this villas so who are you, he started to swear at me when he is hostaged and under gun point, so i killed him, after like 5 mins he came back to his house waited for another 5 mins and said i am coming for you, Then he claimed that i am hacking for some reason and he is going to post a pr till i finish this pr i don't think he will, Then came back to my property for the 3rd time and kept ramming his car to my front door, i PMed him to leave multiable times but he didn't so i came out from the house and shot his car, He broke NLR by seeking revenge because of a previous life situation, i came up to him again pointing my gun at him but he didn't stop even tho i asked him to stop, He kept going, didn't want to kill him i was just shooting randomly to scare him away, then he pulled out a physics gun and used a prop as a shield while walking towards me, i think his intentions were to prop kill me so i shot him down, then i ran back to his property raided it and found a Invisible RT Camera unfortunately i have no proof of it but i have warned him before to not put an invisible camera but he did it anyways, afterwards he changed his job to a rebel and came back shooting at my property, probably breaking NLR for the 3rd time.

That is all i remember and if remember anything later i will update the post or add another reply, Also i have to mention the amount of rule breakage for a 300 hrs person is quite odd..

Evidence ( Pt1 ) ( Pt2 ) ( Pt3 ) ( A prove of him changing his job )

New update in this case :
Please look at both of these here, And
And I would also like to wait for Benjamin Linus, Claims of me hacking, According to him, He had proves .. I would like to see them.
[Image: A93vfrr.png]
All credits to White Wolf for this amazing design! Talented Person!
I apologize for what I did yes I broke a few rules. And I understand the rules apply no matter what 24/7 and I was acting like an idiot. I just hope that I don’t get a ban from this as I just started playing on the server again after taking a few months off. I apologize to the user. And staff of the server. Ill chalk this up to being a stupid decision and first ban and will learn from this.
involved and have been asked by OP to post
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:76958346&b=1]
Hello, Chaos
Thank you for posting this PR, although the accused may have admitted to his mistakes of breaking the rules, I don't see an option other than to Blacklist him from Props, Physgun, and Entities for 2 hours for prop abuse. Even though you claim that he broke many more rules, your videos lack the context to each situation so I am approving this off the first video's prop abuse.

Since Benjamin doesn't have any previous bans or blacklists, I see this as an opportunity for him to familiarise himself with the rules since he has returned to the server.


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