Steam Name: Arctican

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:126536255

BlacklistID(s): 110386

Blacklist Reason

Staff Member: Lewwings

Involved users

Why should you be unblacklisted?
I should be un blacklisted for the plain and simple fact that, nothing about this situation was RDM, as an Ex Senior admin on a large roleplay server the definition of RDM is quite clear to me, it is a 'Random Killing' / 'Random Deathmatch' and there was nothing random about the situation.

It was clearly shown in the PR that the person who was 'RDMED' was breaking fear RP on multiple occasions and there was simply no way that that situation was going to progress and yet he walked away with nothing but a brief chat, from that point the situation was being deescalated in the way that I was putting my weapons down, but my suspect then decided to un-safety his weapon and as such escalating the situation, I then was going to further de-escalate the situation by leaving and pursuing the stolen police vehicle but then he once again escalated the situation with his comments which then caused further intervention. This is the reason i believe this was an unjust blacklisting after being on this server for the time that i have and not having any major staff intervention i think its obvious that I would not willingly break rules.
While you make a convincing case as to why this is not RDM, I would still argue that it is as by the end of the situation, you had your gun pointed at him after some cocky in-character remarks and had initiated FearRP, his lack of compliance is not a valid reason to execute somebody, an @ call should of been made instead of you taking it into your own hands.

While he did indeed break FearRP, it is in no way acceptable for you to execute somebody like that. The reason why I issued you the blacklist is because you have almost 200 hours and should know better than to plainly murder somebody over some comments, whereas BeRizzle only has 3 hours, so although he was in the wrong, I do not expect him to know our rules as well as you do.

As rule 3.1 states: "Do not harm/kill people randomly (RDM); you must have a valid roleplay reason (a person's job or being a criminal is not a valid reason), for example protecting your property during a raid". I deemed it random because it occurred from some cocky comments, hardly a valid reason to kill somebody in my eyes.
[Image: jUcv1hb.png]
I would have to disagree with you there, the point is still valid that my suspect had no active pass on the database to indicate he was a government worker and the fact that he was acting in an aggressive and temperamental manner leads me to the conclusion that he was unstable and as such by not following the orders of law enforcement and laying down his weapon gives me suspicion that either myself or my colleagues were at threat and as such I took the actions I believed necessary to protect them for the good of themselves and the city of which they work for, standard procedure was followed in regards to approaching said suspect and the situation would have been deescalated had he not aimed a fully automatic rifle at myself.

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