Reported User(s): Kaidey

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:191892939

Date & Time (GMT): 30/3/21 @ 12:00 GMT

Summary of the incident
Posting on behalf of Dan. FearRP is initiated at 0:33, and violated at 1:22

[video=youtube]http:// https://youtu.be/bm21H9MhBoQ[/video]
I believe it's suitable that Lewwings is the staff member to respond to this as he was the one who dealt with this whole situation in-game and with Dan previous to his ban this same day. If you watch the whole video or read my previous 2 player report's on Dan that same day because he wouldn't stop targeting me (here, and here), and also my reply to the first player report with extra evidence in the report I made (which was accepted by Lewwings, and dan was warned in-game. However, the whole server was complaining about him that day as he kept doing similar stuff, resulting in his 3-day ban which is still ongoing) you can see that Dan was clearly targetting me. He had just arrested me for 15 minutes whilst I was AFK. (which you see at the start of the video, I am still arrested) And as soon as I just spawned in Dan came back to find me and arrest me again. My mic wasn't turned on OBS for some reason but I just told him to stop harassing me and slowly walked off because I just wanted to play the game as he clearly knows he's just trying to get under my skin because for what other reason would he run to spawn of all places to find the person he just arrested for 15 minutes and then attempt to arrest me again.
Player report reviewed and denied.

This is extremely petty, and I would advise revenge player reports like this one. While Kaidey did in fact walk away, it is incredibly minor and was dealt with by Dan's actions afterwards (tazing to prevent further escape). I was actually in-game and happened to catch the end of this situation, and I did not note any rule breakages at the time; if you truly believed that a rule break had occurred, you would have made an @ call instead of sitting on it for 2 days.

On a final note, I have realised upon review of this footage that the arrest was set at 15 minutes, which goes against Rule 6.5 as there was no resident jail guard at all. I would recommend using the remaining time of your ban to re-read the rules instead of trying to settle personal scores, Dan.

[Image: jUcv1hb.png]
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