Reported User(s): BlueBlitz22

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:171085026

Date & Time (GMT): 5/2/21 @ ~4:30 GMT

Summary of the incident
so basically me and suhail were just basing minding our business farming legal crops when these 4 weird cops start driving by our house and harrassing us constantly for around 30 minutes. they then jump out in the video and finally try to do a false raid when we hadnt done anything bare in mind there was no admins on. suhail gets cuffed while i also get spam tazed for no reason in my own base while in the video he literally admits not having a warrant as 1:45 in he makes the sergeant accept one only when they arrived so they obviously didnt have a reason to start with which adds to him also lying to staff about the situation as he would be banned if he showed his own pov of these events. with that said he proceeds to spam taze and wake me up so that i cannot do anything for a good while before they finally arrest me for 5 minutes for doing nothing but farming in my own base. as i said everything you need to see is in the video and there are multiple cops involved aka all of them at that current time. btw, the reason we had to put a prop up to block the door is because we were sick of them harrassing us constantly with no admins on and there was nothing else we could do about the event as they still broke through with corruption and started tazing us constantly. we are also pretty new and didnt know what else to do but yet this weird guy kept abusing cop while we were trying to make money and making the server look bad in the process


you were making a big deal out of it for nothing. rather then go about your business you felt the need to give us abuse.

could of been resolved quicker but there was no president and the police sergeant wasnt accepting the warrants for the search & arrests.
because you were being a headass prior to the video and because there were no staff on there was nothing else we can do at the time so of course we had to make a big deal but yet you decide to carry on breaking rules in the situation which lead to the report here. i hope you take this time to think about what you've done.
also just admit you got your ego hurt because you couldnt raid instantly as our base was literally cleared by the admin as fine so your claim of having a warrant was completely a lie but nice try you just exposed yourself breaking rules AND being wrong at the same
I really don't care. the whole video shows what occurred. let the mods handle it and leave it at that.
and just to emphasise how about you explain wtf you were doing at 5:09 onwards constantly tazing me and saying "oh shut up youre a noob on the server" nice way to represent and make the server look good saying that with FL:RP in your steam name.
Denied due to looking @ both videos I didn't see any rules being broken
one thing is missing from both videos is a view of the laws @ the time but as both sides post a video going concluded that no one got it
[Image: zypxjb7.jpg]

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