Trial Admin Changes, discussion on recent updates and more
Greetings Fearless,

As discussed on the discussions thread, we had a team meeting the other day and I’m here to make some announcements on the changes we have voted on, among other things.

Trial Admin changes

First of all, trial admin is changing. Instead of a S1/S2 system like we have had previously, we are now reverting it back to one stage. We will also not have a time restraint like trial admin has always been, instead we are going to a place similar to moderator, where it will be an unlimited amount of time.

We will, however, have monthly checkups. A checkup thread will be made on a user upon their promotion to trial, the mentor will give them their checkup, referencing any concerns or praise given in that checkup thread. We will then be able to make a promotion discussion thread amongst the admins and will vote on promoting, demoting or elongating their trial.

Applications are not changing, however it is now specified that we are looking for people who have been active over a period of one month of applying, we’ve noticed a few community members apply for less than 10 hours upon posting their application originally, which simply does not prove an actual interest in the community. Veterans who wish to return to the team who have resigned in the last 6 months may be given the chance of returning straight to Admin.

Additionally, I’d like to welcome back Joe Joe and Ryan to Administrator. They were excellent members of staff previously and we are certain they will continue to provide a great service for FL.
Ludo will also be joining us as Trial Admin once more! I am pleased to see him back after he previously could not commit time to FL and so he left on his own accord. I wish him all the best with his trial this time round!


In terms of updates, we will be reverting both GProtect & the recent introduction system. This is not in any way to disregard the value of said updates - however we want to review and refine them, as in their current formats, they are not fitting in to how we all view FL, and we want to make changes to ensure that they are right for our gamemode. To aid us in this, Kingstone has opened a thread where we can listen to your feedback and ensure the next time we release it, it’s something that works for everyone:


We also have some sub role announcements! We have a new Clan Officer joining Noda, this being Conn! Conn has shown interest for some time on working in orgs and making them better and we are certain he will make it so!
Steven8ken and Haarek will be taking over as Event Coordinators after Violet De Kittie and JohnSilver decided to step down. They have both shown an interest in hosting events and with that we are confident that they will continue to provide the role with great events in the future!
We also have a new sub-role addition, this being Development Coordinator. The purpose of this role is to oversee and coordinate the development workflow, ensuring that the relevant systems are working correctly and smoothly.

Work flow

Behind the scenes, we’ve been setting up a better development workflow with the help of Darrell and Edned, and from the meeting our developers have helped us devise a plan on making development overall easier to get turning out updates for the players. We will be working on a priority list, with detailed documents and payment attached to each (the documents will be based off of any applicable suggestions, and they will be reviewed and approved before any development, so we know exactly what we’re getting from an update) and if no Developer wishes to take certain updates on the list, we will be looking at outsourcing Developers to get them to work on our gamemode.


To wrap this up, the staff team will be having a meeting every other month to keep on top of FL, ensuring for better overall communication within the team and hopefully with this, we will have more frequent news & announcement threads similar to this one, in order to keep the community in the loop. Once again, thank you for playing FL, reading the forums and overall just interacting and keeping the community alive!

Many thanks,

Divey & The Fearless Team

Consider giving me a rep point here.

This is refreshingly good news, I like this a lot.

Congratulations to all the returning staff members too, and to those with new sub-roles. Here's to making 2021 a good year for Fearless!
[Image: jUcv1hb.png]
Oh hell yes
Congrats lads
Congrats guys
sick bros
[Image: cSmfz9P.png]
Step in the right direction, hopefully something comes out of it.
[Image: mEVbpdN.png]
Thanks to Envy for the signature.

-Removed by Steven8ken
thats a bit hot and cool isnt it
Fearless Full-Time Roleplayer

[Image: qVdVN2yh.jpg]

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