[FL:RP] Riggs
Reported User(s): [FL:RP] Riggs

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:116551935

Date & Time (GMT): 13/01/2021 @ 18:15 GMT

Summary of the incident
Basically I pulled out my gun (not planning to shoot) whilst being told I wasn't welcome (by the Secret Service) to follow the President and Vice President to their office.

Riggs tells me "Put the gun down I'm giving you a chance," and midway through saying chance he open fires on me.

[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: jgUSzW0.png]
Have I helped you or made an epic statement that has blown your mind and turned the tables?
Gimme a sexy lil rep here!
Please try to fix the image, it is not showing.

We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
[Image: jgUSzW0.png]
Have I helped you or made an epic statement that has blown your mind and turned the tables?
Gimme a sexy lil rep here!
Waiting for accused response.

FYI, I need more evidence to carry out punishment.
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
Hi there. I was on my way to the president's office, keep in mind the VP was corrupt and in cuffs and blaz had already uncuffed the VP and ran off with them. and they were against the president demoting/arresting the VP, he was following me, the pres, and an FBI agent (H20) up to the president's office. I had my gun on safety told him, you're not invited and he still followed, I told him again. he pulled out his gun and then pointed it at the FBI then I took my gun off of safety and said something along the lines of "put it down now this is your only chance" gave it about 2 seconds then shot them. I later spoke to Johnsilver the admin and was told in future I should just let them kill the others or do whatever they were doing and not shoot them, I was also told this is just a simple mistake don't do it again and I won't get a punishment
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:116551935&b=22]
Hello, I was involved as the president in this situation.
I can back up Riggs story. We were doing a government roleplay where the VP was thought to have been colluding with the Chinese and he had been being followed by the FBI while we gathered evidence and came to a conclusion. We were bringing him to the office to finish the impeachment process.
Blaz was trying to free the VP which I thought was fine, the whole point of some of that roleplay was government were corrupt. When Blaz got out his gun I was under the impression he was going to shoot the Secret Service and so I would say this was self defence, however you need to remember they are on the same team (government) and shouldn’t have been trying to shoot each other in the first place.
I can also confirm Riggs gave hardly any time for Blaz to put down the gun, which would have been the optimal outcome for the roleplay
(01-13-2021, 09:35 PM)Riggs Wrote: I later spoke to Johnsilver the admin and was told in future I should just let them kill the others or do whatever they were doing and not shoot them, I was also told this is just a simple mistake don't do it again and I won't get a punishment

I confirmed this with JohnSilver and the incident was indeed dealt with in-game.

Additionally, for future reference I'd suggest making rash decisions like that with a little more forethought. Ultimately you lose a lot of the RP potential, as resorting to killing simply ends the RP for both of you. Hopefully this situation will help build on both of your RP experience.

Dealt with ingame - Denied.
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.

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