Steam Name: abodigamer

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:56732919

BlacklistID(s): 109013

Blacklist Reason
Building during a raid | Breaking NLR to do so

Staff Member: Steven

Involved users
no one

Why should you be unblacklisted?

What happened

1-taxes suddenly became 40% before 15 mins from being persident
2-steven was in nexus i didn't know he was raiding
3-i was adding somestuff in nexus lobby
4-i was died before by an rdmer

Let me explain the situation from my point of view.

Taxes where 40% I stormed nexus killing yourself and others, I killed the president then made myself to the lobby. You enter Nexus while looking at me with my guns out, then you decide to start building randomly as unemployed??? I tell you to leave in character but you still proceed to build.

“I was adding some stuff in nexus lobby” you done this after seeing myself raiding and telling you to leave
Fearless Veteran 8^)
U weren’t the one that killed me

2- when you told me to leave I asked why then u said it’s a raid I told u u killed the president then u said I will blacklist you I told you I will leave sorry
[Image: SHfSAas.png]
I sniped you along with another SRU member, I told you to leave the first time then the second you stopped me from raiding so I blacklisted you.
Fearless Veteran 8^)
check logs please im sure u didn't kill me
[Image: SHfSAas.png]

Logs are not needed to be checked, you clearly broke the rules and were given a very reasonable short blacklist for it.
Fearless Veteran 8^)

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