N/A (Discord:Kimo Kajima#7565)
Steam Name: N/A (Discord:Kimo Kajima#7565)

SteamID: N/A

BanID: N/A

Ban Reason
I am not sure but probably racist N-word usages as a copy pasta

Staff Member: I do not know, I was never told who banned me

Involved users
Other than me, I don't remember.

Why should you be unbanned?
Hello, its been some time since my ban from the discord server, I would like to return to the server as I have obtained a new gaming PC and Would like to start playing on the Gmod server again, and being unbanned from the discord server would be nice.

Note: This was the video that I used as the joke 


IIRC I replaced a few sentences with things that pertained to the situation where the other user said that cancel culture is good.

Please note though (because I've had a look at the conversation history) that you are on a last warning for the Discord for a little while. Don't continue to post unwanted content containing racial slurs, etc.

[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:51199704&b=16]

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