Steam Name: cyngus

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:100282959

BanID: 83243

Ban Reason
ToS - Harassment

Staff Member: RedPanda

Involved users
Jessixa, Redpanda

Why should you be unbanned?
On the behalf of Cygnus, i am posting his UBR.

There is still no actual foundation for my harassment ban, which is the same as what I said last time I requested a UBR shortly before being randomly banned from the forum.

As far as I'm concerned, and anyone I've asked, no targeted harassment was at any point being done by me or an accomplice. If this is about me calling random girl characters transsexual, then it's an in-character matter.

Last time I made an unban request, Jessixa commented with a weird string of incoherent accusations & RedPanda then told me that I was gonna stay banned and ignored the entire UBR itself. This confuses me, since he was the one who told me to UBR in the first place, and then blocked me on Discord right after to avoid confrontation.

If there was a rule break, any evidence would've been provided. If whatever was happening was so common it could be considered harassment, then I'm sure there'd be a video to prove it happened.

The video "Westside 2" was cited saying that it "crossed the line", which is weird. Because last I checked, not only is that video not that bad, you can't be punished for third-party content or actions, but I guess this changes once an admin feels disliked? RedPanda didn't even know what the ban was for at first

[Image: WeZBroh.png]
Hi Cygnus,

As myself and many team members at the time were concerned, whenever you made an appearance on the server which generally came in short increments you would intentionally target those who you believed to be transgender and as said in our DM’s that there is a boundary between IC and OOC and you and your accomplices surely cannot lie to yourselves and say that this case wasn’t harassment when it was an accumulation of incidents over the course of 1-2 years.

Saying I ignored the UBR is purely incorrect as believe it or not, I did put time in and read the cases I dealt with. You were made aware that the UBR would only change the reasoning to be more accurate and so that’s how it was concluded. Saying I blocked you to avoid confrontation is false, more so the fact no matter what I said you didn’t actually read or understand what I was saying meaning I was getting nowhere and blocked you as there was no point in continuing the conversation when you refused to even take on my side of the conversation.

As I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned to you before, evidence is not a requirement when you are banned by a member of staff, especially when it was a decision made by many admins and their superiors. I’m sure if you so dearly wish for a video a member of staff with any evidence may provide you with some evidence.

To say I didn’t know what the ban was for is also a bit far fetched considering it was primarily a harassment ban, the only thing wrong was the fact I mentioned RDM which was later removed via the previous UBR.
Kind Regards,
Fearless Veteran

Did I help you today? +Rep
[Image: f9VS5YA.png]
Saying i make weird string of incoherent accusations against you is by far the best lie i've ever seen from you . You have been targetting me for years and i've pleased you to stop over and over again. Redpanda has done nothing but goods and i thanked him for helping me escape this endless years of harassment , if it wasn't for him to take action that day , you would have continue and even if i did ban you , you would try your best to make yourself look like the victim of the story and make false accusation of me abusing my power and my position.

You have done nothing but harassing towards me and my friends , making sick jokes and throwing shades at us when we did nothing towards you.
Not to mention you were caught DA few weeks ago

I'm going to denied this unban request. 
[Image: 1619639714462.png]
Denied , Close & Moved
[Image: 1619639714462.png]
Posting on behalf of Cygnus
" You have been targetting me for years and i've pleased you to stop over and over again. "
False accusation, you can say you've pleased me as much as you want but at the end of the day there's no evidence to support it.

" Redpanda has done nothing but goods and i thanked him for helping me escape this endless years of harassment "
Considering there's been endless years of harassment, it's interesting that there's no footage or image evidence to suggest it ever happened?
Not to mention I constantly record and have never caught myself in the act of ferociously harassing you.

" you would have continue and even if i did ban you , you would try your best to make yourself look like the victim of the story and make false accusation of me abusing my power and my position. "
You keep talking about me playing a victim and making false accusations.
This is a clear reflection of your own personality onto me, and I find it disturbing you'd even bother making such accusations.

" You have done nothing but harassing towards me and my friends , making sick jokes and throwing shades at us when we did nothing towards you. "
Once again you base that on nothing, I am tired of being accused of things you can in no way back up but yet you have somehow managed to deplatform me based on just lies

" Not to mention you were caught DA few weeks ago "
That's interesting considering I never mentioned it in my UBR?
Almost like I didn't make this UBR about that... Hmm...

" I'm going to denied this unban request. "
Once again, for the (3rd?) second time you avoid confrontation by not allowing me to defend myself

Once again Jess time after time you blame me of playing the victim card but the only one doing that is you and you honestly need to stop. Stop accusing me of things that never happened, please if you have any sort of evidence bring it forward.
Thanks for your response.

Jess will reply shortly with regards to this.
Reopen as mentioned in this thread. (

Responding to this thursday night Delayed.

If there is anything else you want to add, please do it within that 48 hour period.
[Image: 1619639714462.png]

I'm not gonna lie to you Jessixa, I am honestly confused. You finally decided to reopen my thread that you randomly denied and failed to provide reasoning for. Yet, you didn't even bother reading the reply I had written?

I honestly do not know what more there is to be said, you are once again ignoring the paragraph I sat and wrote for you and you are requesting a comment from me and giving me a 48 hour deadline based on what rule? You have quite literally admitted to having no evidence against me so I think it is quite obvious this UBR needs to be approved. Have you ever heard of " Innocent until proven guilty" well I think you chose to ignore that and the reasoning seems quite obvious to me.

I think it's finally time for this ban to be expired and removed from my record as there is no evidence to back up any of your wrongful claims against me, in this 2 years period I have been accused of been a trans-phobic based on your false accusation, the least you can do for me is be quick to approving this UBR.

Kind regards,

Dimitris ,

I reopened the thread to reply to the latest post. The 48 hour period that was mentioned was for you or Cygnus to add anything to the UBR before i reply considering it has been such a long time and you might have more points to make.

Me and Redpanda, who was a  staff member at the time. Witnessed the harassment, the ban was based on first hand observation - therefore, I have no evidence of the harassment, the only thing I have is my recollection of memories.

As mentioned in the other thread, I'll not be making a decision on this UBR anymore and the SA's will decide the outcome.

Regardless, I welcome you to respond to me and if there's anything I've not responded to and you think I should have, feel free to mention it and I will be sure to answer. There has been a lot of threads lately and it's sometimes hard to keep track of it all.
Either way, whatever the outcome the SA's decide on I respect that decision and despite our differences, Cygnus', I wish you the best.
[Image: 1619639714462.png]
Yes Jessixa I do have many unanswered questions still

Posting on behalf of Cygnus
" You have been targetting me for years and i've pleased you to stop over and over again. "
False accusation, you can say you've pleased me as much as you want but at the end of the day there's no evidence to support it.

" Redpanda has done nothing but goods and i thanked him for helping me escape this endless years of harassment "
Considering there's been endless years of harassment, it's interesting that there's no footage or image evidence to suggest it ever happened?
Not to mention I constantly record and have never caught myself in the act of ferociously harassing you.

" you would have continue and even if i did ban you , you would try your best to make yourself look like the victim of the story and make false accusation of me abusing my power and my position. "
You keep talking about me playing a victim and making false accusations.
This is a clear reflection of your own personality onto me, and I find it disturbing you'd even bother making such accusations.

" You have done nothing but harassing towards me and my friends , making sick jokes and throwing shades at us when we did nothing towards you. "
Once again you base that on nothing, I am tired of being accused of things you can in no way back up but yet you have somehow managed to deplatform me based on just lies

" Not to mention you were caught DA few weeks ago "
That's interesting considering I never mentioned it in my UBR?
Almost like I didn't make this UBR about that... Hmm...

" I'm going to denied this unban request. "
Once again, for the (3rd?) second time you avoid confrontation by not allowing me to defend myself

"You have been targeting me for years and I've pleased (you to stop over and over again."

This is an interesting point to make considering the fact that in Cygnu's last UBR you said that you never talked to him.

Once again Jess time after time you blame me of playing the victim card but the only one doing that is you and you honestly need to stop. Stop accusing me of things that never happened, please if you have any sort of evidence bring it forward.

I would really appreciate it if you could give answer to my questions and points above.

Kind regards,


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