[FL:RP] Dimitris
Steam Name: [FL:RP] Dimitris

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:127839448

BanID: 83362

Ban Reason

Staff Member: [FL] Kipssee

Involved users

Why should you be unbanned?

I am posting this UBR in hopes that my ban gets removed. I feel like wiping everything I have worked for over these 6 years is enough as a punishment for what I did. It was a silly mistake and I know that I can not blame anyone but myself for what has happened to me.
I am just hoping that the 1 month ban will get removed as I just feel like that I have already been punished enough.
Hi Dimitris

In this situation we do believe we have given you a fair punishment, especially due to the fact that this will be your 18th ban. The overall conclusion was to give this punishment to everyone and unfortunately there will be no changes/exceptions to this no matter how sorry/active you are.

We can't simply change our minds because you don't like the punishment. A one month ban and inventory wipe is what will stay, with no option of appealing.


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