Kelle & Spectre
Reported User(s): Kelle & Spectre

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:152179564

Date & Time (GMT): 2/7/20 @ 21:00 GMT

Summary of the incident
In the first clip of the video you see us chasing them, I was going to pull them over as they were recklessly driving. Unfortunately I saved the footage too late so it didn't include when I was pulled them over, they pulled over but instantly drove off as I stopped behind them. They instantly opened fire at us without even hesitating but this offense isn't the main one but I figured I'll include it in the PR. They admit to opening fire instantly, see picture. They claim we surrounded them but if you look at the video, they weren't really that surrounded in my opinion. Wolfy was also alone in his police car if I remember correctly so they could've easily put him under FearRP instead of shooting. I believe that you can see what Wolfy doesn't even have a weapon in his hands, looks like he just had gotten out of his car.

At the rest of the video you can see us clamping their vehicle to prevent them from sneaking out from the house and escape with it. After the fighting was over kelle decided to reconnect to get rid of his warrant but I'm conviced it was also to recieve his vehicle back as it was clamped. He did this a few times which is why I decided to make a PR. He also admits on doing it, check picture. He claims he did it to become AFK but he never went AFK, he came back and started talking in OOC, I never saw him in the AFK job.

Kelle - STEAM_0:1:152179564

Spectre - STEAM_0:0:16225737

When he admit to opening fire instantly.
[Image: Td6yDWS.png]

He admit to reconnecting to get rid of warrant. (Probably car too).
[Image: cO162VY.png]
[Image: TglJDob.png]
Hello, this case is being looked into.
Waiting for accused users response.

Best regards,
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
Thanks for the report, I'd like to explain everything in detail here:
Please post a video of us recklessly driving leading up to the pull over. We were standing on that same spot for like 20 seconds or more, you came out of the tunnel, wanted to drive by, crashed into the sign and then immediately turned on your sirens and approached us as if we were dangerous (without any reason). We then tried to escape as we were armed and were already expecting you to pull us out of the vehicle. We obviously didnt want to get arrested, and what do you expect whats going to happen if the police chases 2 armed people?

Then to continue: No, I didnt reconnect to retrieve my car. The logs can hopefully confirm that I attempted to switch to the AFK job which wasnt possible as I was warranted (even though I was killed in the house, which is also deffo in the logs). I had a headache at the time and wanted to take a short rest on my bed before I would continue (like 2-3 mins). I was in that grey spawn screen for the duration of me chilling a bit on my bed to ease the headache. Once I came back my mate told me that theres some chat discussion going on, thats when I started to talk in OOC, after already easing my headache.

I dont get what you really want to reach with this PR. I didnt even know my car (which was a tesla) was clamped. As seen in the video, we were both inside that house while you were clamping it... How should I have known? I didnt look out of the window.

The situation at the house was AFTER you were killed. What was the reason for raiding us? It definitely seemed (and still seems) like you were breaking NLR in order to take revenge for what happened before. After we killed you we went back to the house, one or two minutes later you guys pulled up again.
Hello Kelle, the reason I'm posting this PR is because you had been breaking rules all night and yours and your friend's attitude weren't really the best when being confronted. I will answer your questions here;

Like I said in the PR, I didn't get the part of you driving reckless as I saved the recording too late but that doesn't matter for the sake of this PR as it is an IC issue. You had been seen driving reckless and I kept looking at you while deciding to have a word with you or not which resulted in me bumping the sign. It's in the rules that you should always use violence at last resort which you didn't, like I said before, you had a good opportunity to take the officer under FearRP instead of opening fire at us instantly.

Your friend was seen breaking NLR after he died and probably saw your vehicle clamped, you reconnecting like that has been seen before so this isn't a first (If I remember correctly you did after your car was clamped a different time and brought to the nexus garage after you attempted to lockpick the clamp multiple times, also after you tried raiding nexus to get it back). I believe it's at the end of the video when you can see in the that OOC-chat that somebody points it out that he breaks NLR. I believe one officer survived the gun fight and then saw your friend come back. There's no hard on evidence of this happening but the officer took screenshots of it, I can show them in-case an admin wants to have a look, it could somewhat back the story up together with the OOC chat seen in the video.
[Image: TglJDob.png]
Oh, alright, false accusations are apparently your thing. We haven't been breaking rules all night - the only issue were you and your Shmicki friends that were trying to provoke people like me & Spectre (I exactly remember you guys playing some crappy music through your mic while looking at me after the situation + shouting things like "I thought you wanted to go AFK?").

Regarding your reasoning: No, I did not drive recklessly before you guys pulled me over, period. You notice that you're accusing us of things you can't provide proof for? For the staff: Feel free to check on that if it's somehow possible. I definitely wasnt driving recklessly, I was just waiting in my car with my friend and you guys crashed against a sign, then made a 180 degree turn, turned the sirens on and wanted something from us.

From your perspective in the video I was in the left house, I didnt fire a single bullet until I heard shots. Also there was never an option to put your friend under gunpoint as he wasnt near enough (visible in the video). Im pretty sure my mate also had a reason to start shooting at your friend... the only thing I see in your video is the cop trying to escape the shots - what happened prior to that? Unknown. He probably had a gun drawn, I dont think Spectre would have just started firing at him.

I also enjoy your "you and your friend have been seen" whilst not providing any evidence. I could also just say "You've been seen breaking NLR mate, thats why youre being reported", according to your logic. Please provide evidence for my friend breaking NLR. The OOC guy claiming that Spectre is breaking NLR is your friend and thereby obviously not neutral, so I dont see that as valid evidence? And the statement "I believe one officer survived the gun fight..." is not quite a fact either, right? Still seems like some decent NLR-breakage to me.

What I said in regards to me reconnecting is true - I died, couldnt switch jobs, wanted to take a short break so I rejoined and stayed in the grey screen for a few minutes.

Then also, I DID NEVER RAID THE NEXUS! What are those god damn accusations? I was ARRESTED for attempting to lockpick my car in the Nexus and thats the end of the story. My car was clamped without any reason (as it was parked legally), so I tried to lockpick it, was arrested, period.

For future posts I'd kindly ask you to stop accusing me and Spectre of things you cant provide proof for or just believe they happened that way. I don't wanna point out false accusations made by you in every single post. Thank you.
"No, I did not drive recklessly before you guys pulled me over, period. You notice that you're accusing us of things you can't provide proof for?"

I was just explaining the background of the story how it started. I don't see why you are so upset about this, you were seen speeding and running red lights in the city before you stopped by that house. Like I said, all of this is an in-character matter and won't affect the outcome of this PR, I was just explaining the background to how it started. Nothing to wind yourself up about.

"I believe one officer survived the gun fight..." is not quite a fact either, right?

I was talking about the gun fight by the house and Wolfy survived that one if I remember correctly.

Then also, I DID NEVER RAID THE NEXUS! What are those god damn accusations? I was ARRESTED for attempting to lockpick my car in the Nexus and thats the end of the story.

The accusations are perfectly fine, you broke into the nexus to steal your car back? I don't remember if you were armed or not but you're definetly not suppose to be down there, I don't see why you get upset over how I worded it.

We haven't been breaking rules all night - the only issue were you and your Shmicki friends that were trying to provoke people like me & Spectre (I exactly remember you guys playing some crappy music through your mic while looking at me after the situation + shouting things like "I thought you wanted to go AFK?").

Why would we provoke you? Take the lockpicking you tried to do multiple times at top street for example, would you expect us to just ignore it? Of course not, you commit a crime and we arrested you for it. I also never played any music through my mic. Now you are falsly accusing me for something I didn't do, what the others may have done isn't my responsibility, do you have evidence of me doing this? I never tried to provoke you or your friend, there were reasons to why we took actions against you. To me it also seemed like you wanted us to go after you, take that shop for example that you set up saying "Contra inside" which we ignored.

You were breaking rules, at one point your friend became a police officer to release you from jail which I believe was dealt with in-game by an admin. If not, admins can check the logs to confirm this.

I will not be responding to any more of your messages as I feel things are starting to be repeated. I will leave it to the admins to make up a desicion on if they would like to move forward on this or not.
[Image: TglJDob.png]
(Involved) I was at nexus. I heard shootings outside and then saw a white tesla model s drive by. Therefore, I had a high suspicion for this tesla. When we had the chance to pull you over, you just shot us.
"I was just explaining the background of the story how it started. I don't see why you are so upset about this, you were seen speeding and running red lights in the city before you stopped by that house. Like I said, all of this is an in-character matter and won't affect the outcome of this PR, I was just explaining the background to how it started. Nothing to wind yourself up about."

No mate, this indeed has to do with this PR and is relevant - if we knew it was for reckless driving, we would have waited in the car for you to talk to us. Instead, we were apparently approached by you (with sirens etc on) randomly, expecting you to be corrupt characters or so. Theres a difference between being pulled over for reckless driving and being approached with sirens etc by two police cars for apparently no reasons as if we were some bank robbers.

"I was talking about the gun fight by the house and Wolfy survived that one if I remember correctly."

Its not about that one though. What I meant by that is the shooting in the city (seen in the video)... After that (where youve been killed) I dont see a reason to pull up to the house on Connectivity Road... So this makes it look like taking revenge (breaking NLR) for the shooting in the city to me.

"The accusations are perfectly fine, you broke into the nexus to steal your car back? I don't remember if you were armed or not but you're definetly not suppose to be down there, I don't see why you get upset over how I worded it."

Time to clear some words. Tresspassing into the Nexus garage in order to retrieve a falsely impounded vehicle, equipped with a lockpick is not RAIDING the nexus mate. Also, Im not upset, apparently you are.

"Why would we provoke you? Take the lockpicking you tried to do multiple times at top street for example, would you expect us to just ignore it? Of course not, you commit a crime and we arrested you for it. I also never played any music through my mic. Now you are falsly accusing me for something I didn't do, what the others were doing isn't my responsibility. I never tried to provoke you or your friend, there were reasons to why we took actions against you. To me it also seemed like you wanted us to go after you, take that shop for example that you set up saying "Contra inside" which we ignored."

I dont see myself stating that it was YOU who played the music, I said you and your friends who obviously belong to one group. You werent the one playing the music, one of your friends who you were playing with the whole day though. Thats what I mean with provocation, not the fact that you stopped me from lockpicking a wheel clamp (which was placed without any reason though).

"You were breaking rules, at one point your friend became a police officer to release you from jail which I believe was dealt with in-game by an admin. If not, admins can check the logs to confirm this."

Nope, we weren't. And yes, this has been dealt with by Midget, Midget knows the details, multiple things played into this (like staff not responding (sadly overlooked, can happen to everybody) and a game bug that made me sit in the jail for 20 mins instead of 10). Doesnt seem like "breaking rules all night" to me if we just get me out of prison because of a bug and non-responding staff (as they had to deal with other stuff etc.)... Stop the accusations ffs, at some point it is really just getting annoying.

"I will not be responding to any more of your messages as I feel things are starting to be repeated. I will leave it to the admins to make up a desicion on if they would like to move forward on this or not."

Yes mate, you are repetitive and state all those false accusations, so thank you for guaranteeing to stop with this until the end of the PR. This really makes it easier for the admins.  Wink
(07-03-2020, 02:23 PM)Bobby Shmicki Wrote: (Involved) I was at nexus. I heard shootings outside and then saw a white tesla model s drive by. Therefore, I had a high suspicion for this tesla. When we had the chance to pull you over, you just shot us.

Oh, now another explanation for the pull-over? First it was reckless driving, now it's gun fights? Doesnt quite fit, does it?
(07-03-2020, 02:35 PM)kelle Wrote:
(07-03-2020, 02:23 PM)Bobby Shmicki Wrote: (Involved) I was at nexus. I heard shootings outside and then saw a white tesla model s drive by. Therefore, I had a high suspicion for this tesla. When we had the chance to pull you over, you just shot us.

Oh, now another explanation for the pull-over? First it was reckless driving, now it's gun fights? Doesnt quite fit, does it?

Nah mate, just my view innit.

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