P1LL4N & Young Boss
Reported User(s): P1LL4N & Young Boss

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:90672701 STEAM_

Date & Time (GMT): 5/6/20 @ 23:20 GMT

Summary of the incident
okay so i was just driving around the city not doing anything wrong to anybody. Then The Guys called Young 'Boss' Crashed into me as an truck driver And i almost died. (He was driving on the wrong side) After I was on the ground he toke my body and just putted away so no one can see it he also dont called any help medic or someone else they just toke my body and trew it away. Its not the first time stuff like this happens from their side to me. always is there something. In my eyes its not RP if you hide someones body when he is almost dead when u are a mechanic or a truck driver. They just hate me so thats the reason why they did this. after is asked them why they did that and i had no any respond.


I dont have The crash on record bcs i started recording when they already trowed my body away once. 

But here on the video u see clearly how they trow my body behind the wall so no medic can help me.
Hi Artjom !
I'll be taking over your case , if you can just give me a few moment to look into your evidence .
Thanks !

- Jessixa
[Image: 1619639714462.png]
So after reviewing your video

I can only issue an warning to both of them , as this is not a major rule breakage . I do hope both players will not repeat this again in the near future . 
If I missed out anything else , you can kindly contact me on forum or discord .
Thanks for the report !
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[Image: 1619639714462.png]

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