Steam Name: Bl4CKSQU4D

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:520374379

BanID: 82858

Ban Reason

Staff Member: Jonas

Involved users
Some people, who knows I don't hack. You guys know who you are, reply to this please. as well as @[FL:RP] Aly

Why should you be unbanned?
Im going to start off, saying I can't prove that I am not hacking by recording my gameplay by bandicam. The reason for that is that, It gets my fps from 40 to 13. Which just fucks my aim up completely. Jonas said it himself, he believes me but still needs to do it, which I understand, but he knows I ain't hacking, so does alot of people. I'll try my best to prove it ingame that Im not hacking, You said you'll put me against JackZ, the best aimer in game, which I was fine with. You guys have no Proof that I am Aimbotting, other then me 2 tapping people. Its a problem that im good? Yes, Im better then shroud? It could be rare, but what should I do? I can't delete this skill lol. Like, im sorry for being good. You guys banned me for being good, you didn't have any proof to say that I have Aimbot. I will try my best to prove this to ya'll once, then expect no more sits for this reason. I'll prove all I can ingame. Im not hacking !. Alot of jealous people reported me, because I am better than them. I will prove it to ya'll Im just good at the game, I have 7k+ hours, just on my stolen account which I cannot find, because I lost all connections to the email which was stolen too, I cannot prove it with that, I am sorry and lets not bring that shit up, last time saying, I have no access to that account nor any connections.

Me and fellow administrators classed you as hacking, though there isn't much proof, your aim is beyond perfect, and we've ONLY seen that with hackers. I will not provide any of the videos I personally have, this is due to me leaking if I showed them (admin tools etc.).

However, I will give you a chance to redeem yourself. You need to do the following;
  • Show me a video of yourself on three different other shooter games to prove your aim (CS:GO, TF2, COD, Or other shooter games)
  • Show me a video of you shooting in GMOD on singleplayer, could do with Half-Life 2 as its the same engine.
  • An attempt at your very best to find the old account with digging through old emails, steam links etc.
Please reply with these responses so the case can be processed more quickly. I hope you are able to do this without any excuses. These are the requirements and if you cannot meet them, we simply cannot allow you back as you have the aim of a hacker, and it's nothing like we've ever seen, even in players who have done this for the same amount of hours as you.

I hope to hear from you soon,
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(11-10-2019, 07:20 PM)Jonas Wrote: Hello BL4CKSQU4D.

Me and fellow administrators classed you as hacking, though there isn't much proof, your aim is beyond perfect, and we've ONLY seen that with hackers. I will not provide any of the videos I personally have, this is due to me leaking if I showed them (admin tools etc.).

However, I will give you a chance to redeem yourself. You need to do the following;
  • Show me a video of yourself on three different other shooter games to prove your aim (CS:GO, TF2, COD, Or other shooter games)
  • Show me a video of you shooting in GMOD on singleplayer, could do with Half-Life 2 as its the same engine.
  • An attempt at your very best to find the old account with digging through old emails, steam links etc.
Please reply with these responses so the case can be processed more quickly. I hope you are able to do this without any excuses. These are the requirements and if you cannot meet them, we simply cannot allow you back as you have the aim of a hacker, and it's nothing like we've ever seen, even in players who have done this for the same amount of hours as you.

I hope to hear from you soon,

Hey Jonas, Yes I've done all you asked for. Sorry If it took me long, i saw your message last night, and was in bed already. I've tried my hardest to find my other account through emails. Sadly even my Facebook account is connected to another Email, I use everything sepperatly so if it gets stolen, the other account won't either, So im sorry for that, but i've managed to gather the proof with videos. A bit of fps drops, because of bandicam, But I still attempted to prove that Im not hacking, I've played CsGO on the first video, then Gmod with singleplayer and default weapons, on the third video I used m9k weapons, which are more decent then the default ones. Really hope we can get over this, and i get get back to playing on the server.  Thanks for reading, and goodbye Smile  | CSGO      | Garry's Mod with Default Weapons       | Garry's Mod with M9K Weapons

EDIT: I forgot to mention, that Gotti Is currently my Steam Name, as seen in the video , Not Bl4CKSQU4D as before <3

I've reviewed your videos. The videos you've shown to me are videos that simply clarify what I meant - your aim is beyond insane. You are playing with what seems to be around 5-10 FPS, and I simply do not believe that someone is able to shoot that well with that much lag (especially not in first person in g-mod). I also asked for multiple games and then gmod, you only showed me CS:GO, no other game.

The videos itself doesn't actually match what you did in-game either, so I have a suspicion that you've been lying to me this entire time. You seem to swerve and avoid anything you can. I don't believe that you are unable to find an old account when you've played more than 7.000 hours on it on one game alone. Surely someone would be able to vouch for your account on the servers you've been on? Like already said, your aim is very much alike to previous aimbot hackers we've had on the server.

I would like to hear your reply as soon as possible, and please do find more shooting games to prove your redemption for this final redemption i'm giving you.

Thank you.
[Image: edfa8a344463b04e45f386ad4525099e.png]
Hey, Sorry couldn't type back. Once again, I simply don't have hacks, I tried locating all I can do to find my Email, or my account, I can't its stolen, its gone. Try finding something that you can't do. Go find the Titanic, you gave me an impossible task if nothing is linked to it that i use now. My game, can't take any other games im good at, most games have different weapon bases. Csgo was shit too, tho i was good at it, with aiming, but with tactics im horrible at that, I was only good with aim, since I don't play csgo that much and yeah. most pros use grenades and knowhow to throw it professionaly, they know when to shoot when to duck, i don't know that shit. m only good with Gmod's physics, . Please give me a chance to come back and prove it to ya'll that Im not hacking, My pc is shit, and can't handle bandicam, even if i could find a free game, i would be bad since the fps would be lowww

After a discussion with others we've come to the conclusion to deny your UBR on the basis that your aim is too much of the like of a hacker. We cannot allow you back on the server, sadly.


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