Steam Name: zXNoRegretzXz

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:420393797

BanID: 82680

Ban Reason
Breaking FearRP | 12th ban in 266 hours

Staff Member: [FL:T] Ryan

Involved users

[FL:T] Ryan (forgot the other guys username)

Why should you be unbanned?
so basically I was taken hostage by a rebel and I had a gun on me before he took me hostage so when he had a gun pointed at me he reloaded so he looked to the ground to reload so he wasn't looking at me and since I already had a gun I thought this is a opportunity to fire back since he wasn't looking at me but according to ryan that's fail rp even though the gun was not facing me and irl if a guy had a gun to a armoured man who wasn't tied up or anything under gun point and he looked away for whatever reason im pretty sure the guy would attempt to fire back

update: my ban got extended by 29days i just came from a large ban and i don’t fell that it is fair due to the fact that all i done was pull a gun on someone when they weren’t looking and before that incident i’ve followed every rule strictly
I thought that it was a fair punishment due to you having 266 hours and this will be your 12th ban and like you said considering you just came off of a ban.
Fearless Full-Time Roleplayer

[Image: qVdVN2yh.jpg]
From your written statement, you clearly broke FearRP. You must value your characters life, even if the hostage taker looks away from you, he still has a weapon in his hands and could easily shoot you. You have 12 bans in under 300 hours which quite frankly is an abysmal record. When you do return from your suspension I suggest you come back with a better attitude towards the rules.


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