Ban request on lol
Name of player: lol


Time in GMT: 15 minutes before this post 

Server: V4B1

Summary: So me and my 3rebels friends we decided to go on a raid since 1 of us heard contra ,we went there and when i saw an open door of this appartment with contra , i saw it was impossible to raid because of some speacialy build wall .Nevertheless we did try it and upon opening the door with lockpick i saw it again and decided to take pictures .Just to know there was a keypad there however with the small window openings it was impossible to crack it without getting killed.  

Yea thanks for that makes it easier to understand !

We cannot process this player report due to insufficient evidence. In the future be sure to have at least 3-5 minutes(~) of video prior to the situation as this allows us to see what happened.
Thank you.

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