Staff Report DVN
I think you are missing the part where you broke the rules yourself. This is talking in circles, Let a different admin give their perspective cause this will go nowhere like this. The UBR states the same thing. I didnt break fear RP, I didnt try to powergame, I simply didnt want to get stuck in your car and said this multiple times, but you were too busy yelling at us to hear anything it seems.

As for the semi serious part, I dont think its semi serious to RAM a vehicle as hard as u can and pull out fully automatic machine guns on the mayor of your town and his driver for very gently passing a red light. I dont know where you live where this happens , but i have never seen it. If a player did this, they would be warned, or probably banned, as you banned me for even less just now. The taking president over personal dispute still stands, cause his demote was completely IC justifiable and within the rules. You used admin powers for your own gain in character here.
(08-21-2018, 07:41 PM)DVN Wrote:
(08-21-2018, 07:24 PM)[FL:RP]Fro[Z]en Wrote: Aren't you innocent untill proven guilty? If you have no clue what he said, and don't know if it was even an insult, then how can you Ban him for that reason? the UBR was already created but the fact that you are an admin and get away with this shit is incredible. I feel like the Oneshott case is important to this report so I added it.

Please quote me where I said 'I have no clue' what Oneshott said. I understand Oneshott insulted me I just don't remember whether he said idiot or retard, but regardless an insult to a community member which has since been added to the ban.

Aren't admins there to ensure smooth RP? Then the Admins should first learn how to RP.

You show me a video of a cop ramming a vehicle not running from them for running a red light, then I'll consider you a decent RPer, however today you've proven to not have a clue how cops operate. When you searched someone he asked "shouldn't you ask if I have sharp objects that can poke you" (Something every cop asked) To which you replied: Nah, I am looking for those.

I don't know what to say to this apart from sorry really. You're having a huge go at me and including very minor things like me not saying 'do you have any sharp objects that can poke you' and putting it down to me being a bad roleplayer. I'm not a perfect cop roleplayer but this is a semi-serious RP server, not everything has to be done in major detail like you're complaining about.

Then in the situation with Oneshott you Rammed someone for running a red light, resulting in a vehicular manslaughter (BY YOU) on a civilian, then you showed no care for the civilians life and just said "Didn't have to happen if you didn't run a red light" and then pointed M4's at someone fully co-operating with you. Something that no cop in real life would ever freaking do, and would get them demoted. which is EXACTLY why you lost your job.

This isn't real life, this is a semi-serious roleplay server. If I didn't pull my firearm out I wouldn't have been able to initiate FearRP and the vehicle was of very high performance (BMW) so I didn't want to risk Oneshott getting away.

Then ontop of that you claim he could easily climb out a window... How do you know? You don't know how athletic the person is, and Oneshott's character was clearly saying, NO I CAN'T. The window couldve been to small or he could've had too little room, it's a race car after all. You were blocking his door with your car, he simply said that and you yelled over him, again unrealistic as fuck.

This is where again I believe you're powergaming, you don't decide whether the window is too small or his athletic ability just to get an excuse to break FearRP. This is a semi-serious roleplay server, he should have followed FearRP and jumped out as he would fear his life from 3 officers with firearms pointed at him.

Ontop of that you ignored direct orders from your Superior. The Mayor himself, saying that you should move your car so that the man in the BMW could get out, and saying that you are overreacting. To which you practically insulted the Mayor, your character then also said "Idc if you demote me" So you are saying your character does not care about losing his monthly income? And just ignores superiors fully... Again fully unrealistic.

This isn't unrealistic, this is the whole point of you having the ability to demote your staff in case we didn't follow orders. It's not a rule for me to follow your orders, hence why we allow corrupt police roleplay etc.

Oneshotts decisions made full sense IC and OOC. As IC he couldn't get out, and OOC he couldn't get out cause he'd get stuck, proven by me getting stuck.

You were on the passenger side hence why you got stuck in the wall, Oneshott might not have got stuck and would have probably got out on top of my bonnet, but this is something we both can't prove.

(08-21-2018, 07:25 PM)Oneshott Wrote: It does have to do with both the UBR (Which is already made) and the case at hand, as you turned your failure of RP into someone elses ban. You are ignoring all accusations and are literally just saying "Nah i didnt, u just mad cause ur friend got banned" lol. Actually respond to the accusations at hand, which are Fail RP as a cop, Overreacting to a situation, Not Rping out a situation at hand, CDM by ramming me into a civilian, and taking president immediately after a kick, seemingly making the kick mostly about your hurt feelings of being demoted for being a bad cop.

You broke the rules right in front of me then decided to insult me because you realised I was an admin and didn't agree with how I was roleplaying as an officer. For that reason I decided to punish you as you had no intention of listening to me IC.

1. He didn't say Idiot OR Retard, he said This was a stupid situation for an admin, and if that is a community insult and is a BAN, then many other should've been banned for saying much worse shit. It's you being biased to me.

2. I didn't make something Major out of the first example, I simply pointed out it's another situation where you showed you clearly have no clue what you were doing. And that sorry isn't gonna change the ban you put on him for no reason because you didn't know how to handle a situation

3. His character clearly claims he's 6'0... I am sorry but a 6'0 guy can not get out of a small sportscar like a BMW, and that's not powergaming. It's pretty common knowledge, all he asked was for you to back up your car so he could get out. However you refused to even acknowledge him and just kept yelling and yelling and yelling.

4. It's definitely unrealistic, It's still Semi-Serious RP. there is a piece of realism to it, don't act like there isn't.

5. ... Not even gonna bother, It's quite clear he couldn't geto ut.

6. Insult you? Again... How is that even an insult, if that's worthy of a ban then half the server should be banned by now. You clearly over reacted due to a personal connection to the case and put a way too harsh ban on him for no reason. Which should be a part of this AA but sadly we didn't record it. But you already admitted to it so thats nice

And to get back on the subject, You still abused your power to get President. Which will be hella obvious in the video. You can't talk yourself out of that one.

Also Enzyme, please fix the video it doesn't work. Maybe add the raw link?
I stand by my original comments in that after the notification went out to the whole server everyone had the same chance as me as I had literally just entered the kick command. I opened F1, went to character, switched to 'Jobs' as I was on the 'Personalisation' menu and then clicked President. Anyone could have done this.

I have no further responses until required.
Dear DVN,

There shall be no conflict within the government. A cop stopping someone for running a red light is understandably, but not under the consequences that you did it. Ramming someones vehicle for running a red light is a very obvious FailRP case. When you then realize it's your superiours that you are stopping, even worse, the rulers of your city/country, then you most definitely don't pull out heavy firearms and give orders. This is to everyone a simple FailRP case, even if it isn't for you. I understand that you need to defend yourself for your rulebreakings but this will not hold it.

As for the kicking. You used your admin privileges to demote a sitting president. You then decide to take his place which proves that you demoted the sitting president to take his job slot. Your defence against this is "Anyone could of taken the place". That doesn't matter at all. What matters is that you demoted the president to then take his job.

The only thing id have to add to what enzyme said is to reiterate that DURING that failRP of being a cop i got a 4 day ban for pointing this out and it being claimed as breaking FearRP, even after roleplaying it in character but just being shouted over. Other than that id say that enzyme has it accurately portrayed.
Enzyme pretty much summed it up. DVN seems to have essentially admitted to FailRP within the comments of this AA and the UBR on Oneshott, and then also used his admin priviliges to take my job. Thanks Enzyme for posting and summing this up pretty well. Let's hope it gets resolved now
(08-22-2018, 03:05 PM)_Enzyme_ Wrote: Dear DVN,

There shall be no conflict within the government. A cop stopping someone for running a red light is understandably, but not under the consequences that you did it. Ramming someones vehicle for running a red light is a very obvious FailRP case. When you then realize it's your superiours that you are stopping, even worse, the rulers of your city/country, then you most definitely don't pull out heavy firearms and give orders. This is to everyone a simple FailRP case, even if it isn't for you. I understand that you need to defend yourself for your rulebreakings but this will not hold it.

As for the kicking. You used your admin privileges to demote a sitting president. You then decide to take his place which proves that you demoted the sitting president to take his job slot. Your defence against this is "Anyone could of taken the place". That doesn't matter at all. What matters is that you demoted the president to then take his job.


There was no FailRP in that situation, this is something all 3 of you are claiming because 'it doesn't happen in real life'. I did not demote the President Enzyme, I kicked Frozen because he was flaming OOC in regards to his friend being banned which he should not have done. Firearms HAD to be drawn to initiate FearRP, this in in relation to this rule: 3.5 You must follow FearRP by acting afraid of threatening situations that affect your own or accomplices' lives. To initiate FearRP have a weapon out and give out orders (text or voice). You have stated I demoted the President 3 times in your reply which makes me question how much you understand this situation and if this report is a quick way to attempt to get back at me after we had an IC argument as officers. My defence still stands, anyone could have taken that spot as the whole server receives that notification, not to mention I had to go through the same process as everyone else it's not like a set myself as President with my powers.

(08-22-2018, 03:52 PM)Oneshott Wrote: The only thing id have to add to what enzyme said is to reiterate that DURING that failRP of being a cop i got a 4 day ban for pointing this out and it being claimed as breaking FearRP, even after roleplaying it in character but just being shouted over. Other than that id say that enzyme has it accurately portrayed.

You got a 4 day ban for FearRP as well as insulting a community member after your comment towards me, I just forgot to add that to the ban reason. For some reason you keep forgetting to add this even though you've acknowledged you made a comment towards me that was insulting. Strange.

(08-22-2018, 04:20 PM)[FL:RP]Fro[Z]en Wrote: Enzyme pretty much summed it up. DVN seems to have essentially admitted to FailRP within the comments of this AA and the UBR on Oneshott, and then also used his admin priviliges to take my job. Thanks Enzyme for posting and summing this up pretty well. Let's hope it gets resolved now

'Essentially admitted FailRP' - Essentially? Did I admit to it or not? There has been no FailRP, just because it doesn't happen in real life does not mean it cannot happen in a semi-serious roleplay server.
Lol as you keep mentioning this fear RP, Which i did follow, You DID failRP, not just cause of real life reasons but for in game reasons, these reasons are extremely obvious. And as you stated i have already admitted that so i dont see a reason to keep mentioning it? 3 days for calling it a stupid situation for an admin (Which you forgot to add to the ban reason initially) and a full day for "breaking fear rp" is absurd in my eyes, but thats your judgement not mine. Either way, you created this situation, continuesly calling frozen "my friend" does not make this any less relevant.

As for the FearRP, i did not run, i did not drive, nor did i show any intention to, you were too busy yelling to hear anything, and you had another cop with a gun pointing at me, this has also been pointed out in the UBR but i will mention it here as well, you could have moved your vehicle from the middle of the road so that i could get out properly while still having a cop putting fear RP on me (even though firearms in this situation were utterly uncalled for as i showed ZERO malice and intent to break the laws or run from you.)
(08-22-2018, 05:45 PM)Oneshott Wrote: Lol as you keep mentioning this fear RP, Which i did follow, You DID failRP, not just cause of real life reasons but for in game reasons, these reasons are extremely obvious. And as you stated i have already admitted that so i dont see a reason to keep mentioning it? 3 days for calling it a stupid situation for an admin (Which you forgot to add to the ban reason initially) and a full day for "breaking fear rp" is absurd in my eyes, but thats your judgement not mine. Either way, you created this situation, continuesly calling frozen "my friend" does not make this any less relevant.

As for the FearRP, i did not run, i did not drive, nor did i show any intention to, you were too busy yelling to hear anything, and you had another cop with a gun pointing at me, this has also been pointed out in the UBR but i will mention it here as well, you could have moved your vehicle from the middle of the road so that i could get out properly while still having a cop putting fear RP on me (even though firearms in this situation were utterly uncalled for as i showed ZERO malice and intent to break the laws or run from you.)

I didn't FailRP at all just because you don't agree with how I handled the situation. That is not what you said and since there is no video proof it is word for word so quoting what you said as though you remember doesn't matter, but I know what you said was insulting.

As for FearRP you must fear you life. The orders were to leave the vehicle and you had 2 firearms pointed at you, regardless if you think this is fine or not you jump out the car. Why would I move the car when you could have climbed out the window? I keep on repeating myself I'm not sure if you're reading this but I HAVE to draw a weapon to initiate FearRP, do you not understand that?
I love how you keep saying that i DEFINITELY did not say that but then follow it up by admitting you have no idea what i actually said yet you banned me 3 days for it? That seems quite strange.

It is fail RP to respond to a 15mph driving through a red light by ramming a vehicle into the sidewalk as hard as you can, in the process killing a civilian, and then pointing guns at your mayor and his driver, i dont think there is a single person here that would disagree with that. Well, except for you.

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