[Ban Request] "Yoni" and "Race"
(02-12-2012, 03:32 PM)omri671 Wrote: hey midget,i didnt know why Snipaah wanted to kill me,really i dont know.

and the Poster of this post why really you did open this post? you know you break the rules not me.
i didnt kill no one,i didnt build underground or breaking the Rules.
same as yoni.

and about you i'm not going to open a ban request cuz you i'm not sure at 100% that you did NLR so i'm not going to open a ban request,but what i know for sure that you was chef and killed me multiple times /:

why? ):
I was a doctor Wink

We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
Listen to me. I was in side the labs with yoni and race.
We didnt built a base.
We found a base.
It was a rebel base.
It was the only keypad to the doors at the labs,yellow with black stripes right?or are you referring to soeone else,cause i swear i remember midget telling me about the rebel base
(02-12-2012, 06:27 PM)EGI (R.A.A.) [SEA]Kai Meiuqer Wrote: It was the only keypad to the doors at the labs,yellow with black stripes right?or are you referring to soeone else,cause i swear i remember midget telling me about the rebel base

No. The yellow and black strips were the rebels door

You think I would post this thread, if I broke a rule myself at that moment?! If I did that I would have been banned right now. Tho, all my pictures and the movie points on it was all others than me, building in that lab. Yes, the rebels builded there too, I also accuse them for it. BUT, "Race and Yoni" Builded down there, the same moment as the rebels did, I warned all of you guys, that it was bannable. But nono, I won't get banned, you guys were thinking.

About the pictures first of all. As you see Yoni and Race owned all the doors, and was building props. your excuse is, "Minimacfox tried to kill us, with a shotgun. Thats why we builded props". Well do you see any shotgun on the picture where you were building? Cause I don't.

But yes, a little while after I used my shotgun, to blow up the doors u owned, to meet you face to face, to try to tell you that im gonna post a ban request for this. But what you do? You take your gun and try to shoot me, and it all ends with you kill me too. Then I started a video, to try to record the actions you did. But apparently it turned into chaos because police interrupted. So I never got it clearly on movie.

If you wan't to proove the opposite, feel free to post pictures or movies showing the opposite.

Hopefully this discussion is over, and now we are only waiting for admins to check this.

I pictured "Yoni" building in nexus underground lab, I didn't capture "race" doing it, so he is probably getting away with it.

But I proved "Yoni" did build in Nexus. No matter what, you can't build in nexus as non - government. Also you need president permission too. You knew it, you got caught, now deal with it!

first,you was a rebel.

second,you builded a prop's underground

thierd,why the hell you will uploade a picture with that show's you holding a shot gun? 0.o

you just want to get rid of this ban so u post a ban request on others.

I don't wanna argue with you, my proves showed that you were guilty.

If you wanna discuss further, please provide proves against me.

Today Yoni trapped me in a flashing box as a BMD and broke fear rp. I had the worst headache after.

Sadly I have no evidence.
Ban request approved, both were banned for 1 week.
Dare to think!

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