Pr: Scrubb
Name of player: Scrubb

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:159763023

Time in GMT: 15:55

Server: v2d

Summary: The accused player used a physgun as a laser pointer.

5.4 Do not abuse your physgun, toolgun, props or any of the tools. This includes:

using your physgun as a laser pointer; Camera spamming; Mic spamming (you must have a set up and make sure your volume isn't loud); Sleeping in areas you would not be able to otherwise; Using vehicle seats to reach places (you can however use your physgun to prop-push a stuck car if no admins are available and should be done carefully).



The offense was incredibly small. Punishment is not needed in this case.
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]

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