Ban Request - Jacob1029
Name of player:Jacob1029


Time in GMT: somewhere between 19.20 - 19.52

Server: V2d

Summary: Dont know what NLR is and used a construction wall prop that he moved around to protect himself in a raid.

Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

Prop was unfrozen. Used as an rp riot shield against a doom fort where you couldn't shoot the players but the players could shoot you. No admins on to defuse the situation and they took everyones cars with no reason, simple really.
if you couldnt shoot them how come i got like 2-3 ppl in headshots? learn to aim my friend.
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

User has been warned for this post. Reason:
User warned

Reason: Posting in a thread without the sufficient right

Also Storm's mom is a hottie and Andreas and King Guami do her all day every day. -In memory of the biggest Troll Thread in FL history
(02-05-2012, 12:58 AM)Ghost_walker Wrote: if you couldnt shoot them how come i got like 2-3 ppl in headshots? learn to aim my friend.

I'm not your "friend". When there is 6 rebels, and the police have only the top part of their head to aim for then there is no way your going to get near without some inventions.

Their base was against the rules, I had a similar base and had to modify it by the admins orders as it was just like this.
i was there. Jacob1029: i think its was admins online you should use @

So what you posted was me constructing the shield and the others blocking off the road from the public? We all used @ many times, no admins responded.
(02-05-2012, 10:42 AM)2fast4you Wrote: i was there. Jacob1029: i think its was admins online you should use @
and to Ghost_walker: thats a doom base.

I think both of you should be banned

Not that it is any of my business. But the vid doesn't really show anything but massive errors!

Why should Ghost_Walker be banned? You don't even have a reason...

Cheers Yurera!
Yurera i already sent a PM to 2fast4you and i asked him why i should be banned for doom forting and he said he thought i was one of the rebels so i just corrected him and told him i was a police officer.
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

- Approved, If they have doomfort get evidence and post a ban request, Do not break the rules yourself to get the evidence!

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