Report: Prop Killing x8 players
Name of players and SteamID:

In order of appearance in video evidence (Green = Already part of previous approved PR for propkilling Link):

580 gmftoledo STEAM_0:1:198331745
467 DonaldMcRonald STEAM_0:1:57011185
557 JakobJFL STEAM_0:0:68983986 (Corleone)
600 Lapulapu Dimantag STEAM_0:0:40908555 (Police Officer)
612 softcat STEAM_0:1:34870682
564 æøl STEAM_0:1:61958
587 Pop Rocks STEAM_0:0:44407543
458 Ethan Bradberry STEAM_0:0:61025599 (Chef)

Time in GMT:
13/02/18 23:40 - 14/02/18 0:10

Server: v5p

I realise I'm a bit later than others posting this PR and some of these people have already been delt with, however I still have a few names that have yet to be mentioned. I'm also aware of the limit of reporting 3 players at a time, however I do feel this is a special circumstance where all players were inviolved in the same situation.
I am not writing this asking to perm ban all of these players, but rather to show what happened last night, and leave it to the admins to deal with the situation however they feel is appropriate. I've pulled out all of the names I could from the video, that had some involvement.

This video is edited to reduce the length and I have enlarged the prop owner on the right to make it easier to read (unedited fotage can be provided). There are some sections where I did freeze certain frames, to read the name more easily. The server was also slowly dying during this and did eventually crash only moments after this recording ended.

My microphone was not included in the recording and I could only record 5 mins at a time during this, so some events were missed, mainly clips involving Pop Rocks (who has already been delt with).

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Regarding a limit of 3 people at the same time - this is a different situation and due to there not being administrator available at the time, we would like to thank you for putting this report in so we can prevent these kinds of situations in the future.

Users found guilty have been punished.

I am missing footage of Ethan Bradberry, please provide within 24H.
Appologies, it didn't come off as very clear in the video, I added some time stamps in the video description on youtube of where certain players appear. Ethan Bradberry was the chef, visible from 4:23 - 4:35. I'm unsure how involved he actually was since it only shows him moving around a prop bellonging to a different player (DonaldMcRonald).
A more clear still frame taken from the original fotage:

[Image: h6cmYwo.jpg]
Builds an ultimate gaming PC
[Image: yqFtztR.png]

Uses it to play Garry's Mod
DonaldMcRonald had put him self into a little hamster ball, he had asked me to move him around. I never intended or did actually prop kill anybody. The prop was partially slammed into the ground due to a bit of lag due to my low end PC, and lots of props being flung about by prop minges.

I apologize for my actions as it has come off as being quite mingey.

With the amount of experience you have got, you should already know that you are not allowed to walk around with props the way you did, especially when it comes to a situation like this where you see that everyone around you is ruining the RP experience.

Due to you handing in a response and an explanation regarding your situation in this, I would only let you off with a warning, but this warning is classified as a bigger punishment if you break a similar rule again.

Approved & Closed.
[Image: mEVbpdN.png]
Thanks to Envy for the signature.

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