Divey AMA
Why do you think people are so whiney and bitchy in OOC chats and what would you do to combat this issue?
Finn Conlon 

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(02-05-2018, 07:45 PM)MrFinnConlon Wrote: Why do you think people are so whiney and bitchy in OOC chats and what would you do to combat this issue?
As long as they're following the rules there's not much we can do, unless it's getting too out of hand. Really it's up to people what they want to say as long as it isn't an argument between people or something offensive. We shouldn't be going out of our way to censor criticism that we may receive. With this being said, as a team it's always our desire to please the community and for the most part I think we're doing that and each year we're trying to step up our game. I think the Team is in a strong position to do that at the moment. With that being said, people will always find something to complain about it and maybe it's legitimate, but if it's not then they're just making themselves look bad to others really.

(02-05-2018, 08:32 PM)Random Wrote: Honest opinion on me?
You're a really great friend of mine, one of the best I've made from Fearless and we have some great banter, you're like a brother almost but over the last year or so we're not talking as much but I think that's mainly down to us having different friendship groups.
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(02-05-2018, 11:05 PM)SelfGamer Wrote: Favourite deodorant (if any)
I don't really have a favourite but I've been using Lynx Peace recently. I don't really like the smell of any of them. My favourite after shave though is 'Le Male' - Jean Paul Gaultter

What would you like to see on FL in the future?
I don't really know to be fair, just bringing happiness to all type of rpers and people to remain optimistic, a lot of the time people think a decision is the end of the world but it sorts itself out eventually.

What do you believe could be changed to increase FL’s popularity?
I don't think GMod can increase in popularity, but I think to bring returning players just more frequent updates and to maintain fair administration.

Would you rather eat cereal or a sandwich?
Well, I don't eat breakfast in the morning (I literally gag if I do) but I like dry cereal as a snack. With sandwiches I prefer crusty bread. I'd have to say a good sandwich.

Honest opinion on myself?
I don't really know much about you and when you received Teacher I was intrigued to see how you'd do. You seem to be a funny guy and a good, passionate role player too.

If you had 50 minutes to live, what would you do?
Let the people I care about know I love them and once I'm done with that I honestly couldn't say. If I was on my own, either go for a long walk, cry to myself or if I was with family and friends hug them and wait for the inevitable.

If you could only power on 5 items per day, what would you turn on?
PC, iPhone charger, iPhone, Oven, Freezer.

What has been your favourite roleplay?
It's so hard to say, there are so many good ones. Anything that includes me being bitchy and snobby. I love role playing as Mr. Bentley alongside my partner in crime, Krissy. However, I also love creating scripted stories to make people feel like they're the main hero of the story, such as some lab role plays I've hosted which are chose you own adventure-esque.

Opinion on Vantiago (IC)?
Vantiago are nothing but Bentley wannabes, they're towering headquarters is just so Mr. Deacon can compensate for something. The latest winner of Miss Evocity is Semichi Aquino, who is basically just Madeleine with a trim and the Pravda doesn't compare to what we had in mind for Evogue. They're constantly living in our shadow and need to find a way to make themselves unique, rather than copying us, but I suppose it's a compliment in a way. But they best give us credit!

Opinion on Vantiago (OOC)?
A very nice group to role play with and they can take insults very well and don't take anything OOC, something that is greatly appreciated. The amount of effort all of them put in is astounding and with their Pravda, it's something I wanted to take Bentley in some day, as seen by our cancelled Evogue magazine.

What has been the best run clan you’ve seen run on FL and why?
I really can't say to be honest. I think the clan scene has a lot of potential and I see a lot of people put a lot of work into them which I admire greatly, but there is always OOC drama that goes on that deters me from admiring them too much.

Preferred type of music?
Jazz, Showtunes, Indie, Pop-Rap. I've really been into Khalid recently and a relatively unknown girl named Billie Eilish.

If you were a bus driver, and in a life and death situation, which route would you choose?:

Swerve into 7 elderly men and ladies, leaving a bingo club, saving all 27 of your passengers and the other pedestrians,
Drive straight into the wall, killing yourself and 20 of your 27 passengers, permanently disfiguring the other 7, saving all pedestrians,
Drive into 3 cars full of parents and their children, killing 3 of the children in these cars and only 2 of your passengers!

(Ahem sorry for the brutal and depressing last question but hey!)
Ahaha, I love a bit of utilitarianism, I studied it a bit so maybe I don't have a completely innocent standpoint on it. If it was actually me in the heat of the moment I'd drive into the wall, obviously you don't want to kill anyone and you wanted know by driving into a wall the death of you and your passengers was guaranteed. But looking at it from a logical standpoint, I'd swerve into the elderly. With your passengers, there's a larger number of them and they'd likely be of all ages, the elderly have lived their life already (grim, I know) and the children have the longest to live and the parents should be there to raise them, plus the fact that it'd only save 2 over all of them by driving into the elderly is the obvious choice.
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(02-06-2018, 11:34 AM)Ethan Bradberry Wrote: opinononme

I don't really have an opinion on you, to be honest.
[Image: f2kzlKW.png]
Opinion on you.
Finn Conlon 

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(02-06-2018, 05:15 PM)MrFinnConlon Wrote: Opinion on you.

I mean it's hard to judge myself without being biased, it's up to other people what they think of me, but I'll try nevertheless.

I think I'm stubborn, I have morals that I like to stick to. I like to think I'm a neutral person, I always try to remain level headed and see things from everyone's point of view, to be 100% neutral however in my eyes is impossible, so I try and balance myself out by having conversations with people I know have opposite opinions to me. I'd say I'm quite a passionate person, I like to throw myself into things a lot of the time and I am quite the perfectionist and so when something isn't done properly it can be quite distressing. 

The way I conduct myself on FL is for the most part completely different to how I speak to my friends. I think people should respect the position they are in and so I attempt to remain professional, but those close to be know me to be quite cheeky.
[Image: f2kzlKW.png]
whats your opinion of me sir
(02-07-2018, 09:13 AM)sebasti161 Wrote: whats your opinion of me sir

You're one of a kind, Sebasti161. You are annoyingly funny. However, you do tend to get yourself in trouble.
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