Cars not Refueling/Parking
Bug Name: ^
Desc: You cant refuel cars, or put them away when you park them in the spaces at Broadway station or hospital
Evidence: i can get some if you really want, but test it yourself
[Image: ETQjSgL.jpg]
Made by Me X | Give a Rep, You May Get Something in Return *wink* ,Click Here
Game mode possibly broken ? Check if you stamina goes down etc when you are sprinting jumping transactions money etc.
[Image: giphy.gif]
We are aware of the problems and are trying to fix it.
its a timed based thing just found out, james restarted the server and it was working again, then about an hour later it wasn't working
[Image: ETQjSgL.jpg]
Made by Me X | Give a Rep, You May Get Something in Return *wink* ,Click Here
Reverted the latest update.

[Image: MbKaP7E.png]

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