I reported the player to Random in that abuse case this making me involved, I got the guy banned thus the abuse case arising. I don't know what I have done but you seem to have some sort of personal vendetta against me but let's stay on topic.

I please want you, Awestruck, floodify and or Jonas to answer my Questions and stop avoiding them.
Dreebott Wrote:Jonas.
I didn't know that balls also took a Screenshot ingame.
I took a screenshot from my screen (The screen that balls was streaming on) and took a screenshot.

How the fuck am I supposed to know that he took a screenshot aswell when he didn't tell me anything about it?

And stop assuming shit, ionas.

Dreebott, you said, as a statement that it was non-existing. I am making no assumpsions, I am going by what you have said yourself. Mind the attitude we're only trying to solve this case

Also another Part I would like to bring up is the following:

You told me twice today that people are allowed to post something on a thread when they reported either a comment OR a player. (General Rickets)

He replied on a AA Case just saying "Please follow the template".
Following that 4-6 People reported the post because he isn't involved, nor does he add any Information to the thread.
I wrote a PM to you and Floodify, you answering me with saying that he is involved because he reported the guy to random.

And now he's allowed to post on MY UBR because he reported my comment on MY OWN AA CASE.

Jonas I want to ask you, how is that fair?

How is general rickets allowed to post on both thread, without getting any warning whatsoever, BUT ME getting a warning because an admin SUGGESTED me to stop posting? (Keep in mind that it is my OWN thread and my OWN evidence and yet you warned me)

I feel like you're both (Jonas and Floodify) treating me and General Rickets unfairly, with me getting a warning on my own thread with my own evidence but him being allowed to post because he reported a comment and reported a player to an admin who then made a AA case.

Rickets was on at the time, and was the victim of the player whom he reported, you were not even online, Rickets were.

It was not your evidence aswell, push the lies aside. It's Balls' and Connbob"/ evidence, posting a thread on helf of someone will not give you the privilege of posting.

I apologies for making you feel that way, but it's not your evidence, it's Balls', and as said multiple times you were not even present during the situation.

Back to the part where you're saying that I'm lying.

Jonas, how am I lying?
How am I supposed to know that he took a screenshot as well when he doesn't tell me shit?
And it still seems like neither you or Floodify really read my replies which makes this UBR just more difficult.
I said it twice now, I took a screenshot from the stream that balls did for me because he wanted to show me something.
The screenshot just being the most important parts.
He stood still, I took a screenshot and went on the forums to create the Thread.
When i looked at the stream he was standing somewhere else, not telling me that he took a screenshot as well since it wasn't needed.

So stop assuming that I'm lying Jonas, that's one part of literally every reply you did so far, you should really stop that.

So treat players fairly.
That's all I wanted to say.

I've told you multiple times how you've been lying and tampering with evidence. Just look through our PM's and the thread.

And as Awestruck said, you can see that the picture is completely identical, again, don't lie, it just makes your case harder to investigate.

i've done an attempt to reply to all of your comments, so no.

I am treating you fairly, I am trying to solve your case, but by lying you're making this way worse for yourself.
[Image: edfa8a344463b04e45f386ad4525099e.png]
Check the logs Jonas, I was online. Check the facts and stop lying.
Since AwestruckBullet wanted a statement from me, I will be posting one.

Everything started with DreeBott, Connbob and I being on a discord together.
On that exact day, my game was freezing out by whatever reason. I wanted to show DreeBott the visual bug, to see if he knew what was going on.
I started the broadcast with DreeBott watching it, I drove around as a cop, if I was right. Pretty much waiting for my game to freeze.
I went to the lake where Connbob was at, noticed the yacht spawned by AwestruckBullet which later got posted on the AA thread.

While looking at the yacht, my game froze. With my game frozen, I hit F12 a few times to take a screenshot of the yacht. Apparently DreeBott took some pictures too, hence is why we both got the same picture.
I was standing at the beach for quite some while with my game frozen. Connbob could prove that I was standing there without moving.

As my game was frozen, DreeBott joined the server (proved by logs I believe) to check it out himself. When he was on the server, don't know if he was on his way to the lake or not, he went AFK for whatever reason. Later left the game or kicked for AFK.

I uploaded the pictures as I was thinking it was needed.
Both DreeBott and I agreed on that he should post the AA thread.
I am still unsure if he used the pictures I uploaded, or the pictures he uploaded in the thread.
If you somehow found my Imgur profile, and wonder why I also have cut out versions of it, is it because I later took his images and uploaded them to my owner profile, as I wanted to keep them if anything happened.

Since General Rickets wants to continue.
Rickets might have been involved in that one AA thread, judging by the few comments about it on this thread.

Not according to the Staff Report Policies, but according to the Player Report Policies, which I believe is somewhat the same, but posted by different people, One cannot post a thread saying "use the template" Or as Rickets did: "Please follow the template".
If doing so, the player would be backseat moderating (See this in the spoiler below). Again, this is according to the Player Report Policies, not the Staff Report Policies. Even tho they should be somewhat the same on this point. Even if he was involved in the thread, aren't he backseat moderating??

Oh bollocks... I lost my Signature!
I was merely informing the player to use the correct template and when he did I could comment a more structural reply. I would spend less time focusing on getting me in trouble and more time getting your groups story straight.

(05-15-2017, 07:30 PM)General Rickets Wrote: I was merely informing the player to use the correct template and when he did I could comment a more structural reply. I would spend less time focusing on getting me in trouble and more time getting your groups story straight.

-Connbob, not Dreebott-
Which is still backseat moderating.
You aren't exempt from the forum rules.
Please stay on topic. If you wish to make a separate PR, then please do so. Let's stay on topic of DreeBott's warning for posting when not involved.
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
Escalated for SA review.

Will be concluded momentarily.
Kind Regards,
DreeBott had posted an admin abuse case (which will be concluded shortly) on AwestruckBullet which escalated when DreeBott (the OP) mentioned an off-topic subject which violated the rules of involvement, which he is obliged to follow.

Upon first seeming as the genuine accuser, evidence has surfaced that contradicts such claims and thus the privilege of an accuser was revoked from DreeBott once Balls entered the conversation, whom is de facto accuser. Would he have provided evidence or other crucial information after Balls were introduced, as stated in the Staff Report Policy, his posts would of been of legitimacy - however with only screenshots and explanation from Balls and any affiliates, this was not even a possibility. DreeBott is not the accuser nor an involved party what so ever for the information provided by him originated from a different source and that source appeared on the thread, making DreeBott's position redundant and indeed un-involved past made posts.  

Following the admin abuse case and a warning from Jonas, it lead to an un-warn request where DreeBott explicitly said it was his evidence. Evidence acquired by Administrators proves this wrong and thus DreeBott was merely forwarding information upon the encouragement of Balls. This is proven fact, but will not be released due to concern of privacy. The un-warn request steams of lies, all from DreeBott saying Jonas refused to talk to him to DreeBott saying he is using self-acquired evidence. A research of the evidence provided has been conducted, which shows that the evidence has been manipulated in such a way that makes DreeBott's claim of main-accuser role invalid. Balls has also lied in the courthouse, providing storylines that does not match with the solid evidence provided to the staff team.

The conclusion and consequences of this is that that of Balls, a teacher, and Dreebott, ex-teacher, will be forum-banned for lying in the courthouse. Further actions towards Balls will be taken by the administrative team. The warning which DreeBott have been given will stay til it expires.


Supervising Administrator
Kind Regards,

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