Estleback Corporation

I feel as though it was long enough since I pleased you with a message from the Governance and so here is my gift to you.

Estleback has been recently undergoing massive changes and have great plans for the future. Many are at beta stage, but some have internally been put in effect already. A part of Estleback before was to serve the citizens on many levels; security, transportation and retailing. Whilst the firstly named has been going very well for the years we have been in EvoCity, we feel as if the last mentioned parts have not. Thus we have taken regards to this and launched new programs for each categories that we felt were not as maintained as it had been before.

Transportation is something we feel is crucial, but specifically public transportation. We have been providing the city with 'monorails' before, but the structure was to a point far too complex and so it was used only but few times. A new project, Monorail Xc3, was launched few months ago with the goal to create a far more efficient and slimmer public transportation, available to any social status classes. With great certainty I can say that this will be one of our best ones ever, as one obviously evolves through the mistakes. The approximate percentage of its completion is close to 85%, so get your tickets before they are sold out!

[spoiler='Monorail Xc3 || Preview']
[Image: 6e2ba4c3717eee24ec46659e04f1cb66.png]

With retailing being acknowledged by the Governance as a crucial part of Estleback but also the city I tasked Jony 'Hitman' Ive to set this up, as per his resume it was his specialty. With an immense dedication he has setup systems and various protocols along with SFO Blake ‘NightHawkd’ Nightly that the Operatives are currently being educated in. Some have already passed and is ready to sell 'on the ground'. Some small lessons and what not will be following during this period of trial and error til we establish the retail part of Estleback to the glory it deserves.

Before the introduction of this system I wanted to test the etiquette of my operatives and also the specific market we tried to sell our merchandises to. Although we did choose the Weapons market, we had strict protocols to check every customer and their intentions with it. There were many we barred from our shop and we felt as this was a necessity to protect the innocent citizens.  

We got information during this 'test' of sorts, that a possible location of Noah 'Noda' Grayson was nearby - of which I sent operatives to scout for entry points and general impression of the compound. The reports show that there is a high activity in the area and further investigations will be considered.

The day was considered a success and with an addition to the team it could of not gone better. We have had reviewed this very applicant for a substantial amount of time to ensure that he truly was the right choice, and we feel that he would do very well in the Corporation. I am glad to announce that Dean 'Random' Grimes is officially a part of Estleback Corporation! All other applicants are still under review.

This would be all for now and expect announcements and possibly articles popping up here and there during the next past days. I encourage all operatives to read contact the SFO regarding training about the mentioned system as well as the training that will take place this weekend. The scavenging after Noah 'Noda' Grayson continues, but we are most definitely closing in.

This has been all,

Director of Estleback Corporation
Anthony 'Flood' Válaris, Estleback Corporation Commander

Spoiler: P.s
We have decided to relieve MJ from his position as TFO

Kind Regards,
The following 12 users Like Floodify's post:
  • Ivan Tempski, Random, Archer, Link, Reebs, General Weed, DVN, RockDead69, Eclipze, NightHawkd, MasterNoda, Tmdirtbike
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: MrFinnConlon

Link to Steam Profile:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79431150

Real Age: 17

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 1556

How many RP points do you have?: 7

How many bans and/or blacklists do you have?: 4 bans and 5 blacklists (pte is counted as one) in all of time and no bans in the last 4 months

What time zone do you live in, in relation to GMT?: I live in the GMT time zone.

How many hours in the past 2 weeks have you been playing on G-Mod?:76

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 9.5

Have you been in other clans? If so, which one(s)?: Yes, I was part of Empire.Inc for some time (Ask mintblackbeard of a reference if required).

Describe your personality:
Friendly, helpful, somewhat creative, tries to promote a positive attitude and hardworking

What makes YOU individual and differ from all of the other candidates?: I feel that I am different from other candidates because I am open person who is willing to work with anyone and will often get along well with most. I have a lot of experience on the server and playing a cop/sru and a criminal. Thus I am able to work with a team very well as well as working on my own. I enjoy taking part in serious RPs were character is never broken and and capable of doing so myself.

In-Character Information

Full Name:Finn.W.Conlon

Age: 32

Nationality: English , Migrated to EvoCity

Describe your personality:I Guess I would class myself as a member of the middle class, a self-made man. I am well spoken and often reserved in my thoughts, only speaking out when I feel I must. I am polite and kind always trying to see the best in people but am realistic. I believe that I am easy to talk to and get on well with a lot of people.

Tell us about your history: I was born in the UK and moved to evocity when I was 16 after my parents got divorced. I went to school at St John’s School and studied Maths, Physics and  Geography at a higher level with the hopes of becoming a civil engineer. I ended up being snapped up by the Police force during a shortage and changed my career path. During my 6 years as an officer I still had a love for engineering and decided to go back into the profession. I took on an apprenticeship with many firms learning to build in multiple styles and themes. But I am still open to new ideas and themes that the architects with to employee. I still have a huge passion for engineering and hope that I will be able to participate on many projects to come.

Acceptance Potential Information [OOC/IC]:

Why are you applying for the Estleback Corporation?: From my experiences with Estelback I believe it to be a cut-throat company that get results. With a ordered and organised system of hierarchy, which is something that I have lacked from previous companies and clans that I have been apart of.

What made the Estleback corporation stand out from the others to you?  The thing that first caught my attention was the buying out of park industries Since then I have been watching what happens to the company, visiting and keeping track of the training and missions that are carried out.

Which specialization area caught your interest the most and why?:The engineering team is the most appealing aspect. I enjoy building and am still currently working on some large projects and dupes. I have noticed that there is a lot of talent in this field and aspire to be apart of it.

Do you have any past experience in the position you are applying for?:
I have gain alot of experiance in my previous roles as a cpo as well as sru. I am able to work tactically in a team, respecting the authority of my higher ups which I believe will help me as a field agent. I also am involved in other large projects where we build in a team, showing that I am capable of teamwork for many tasks.
Do you have access to proper suits?: Yes, I have active donator and multiple suits.

Do you have any non-Estleback references we can contact? (Link their Steam Profiles):
mintblackbeard (Previous clan owner) Link
Finn Conlon 

 +Rep me Here
The following 9 users Like MrFinnConlon's post:
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Hello Estleback,

Today is a sad day, Today is the time for me to leave, It has been a hell of a ride!
And i am honored that i got the chance to show my skills for Estleback.

Its not the name of the clan that makes the clan this good, its the people that building this Clan, It will be difficult to leave you guys, you all are soo great people, and you have becomed a family, We are not just coworkers in this clan, we are FAMILY.
I want to give all of you a goodluck.

And you may see more from me!
Weed, you are such a lovely human being. It's such a shame to see you leave, and your enthusiasm and positive outlook towards everything will be truly missed.
Kind Regards,

The following 9 users Like Link's post:
  • General Weed, Joe Joe, Jonas, chopchop1614, NightHawkd, Panda, Reebs, Divey, Ivan Tempski
Weed, you brought a lot of positivity to Estleback and quite so possibilities as well. It won't be easy to let you go, but new paths presents themselves every day and you must take it if it feels right. We have seen Estleback literally build into a clan we all can be proud of thanks to you. We are so fortune to have come across you and whoever next does so, I congratulate them.

You are one of the members that made Estleback what it is and we will never forget you.

Thank you Weed.
Kind Regards,
The following 11 users Like Floodify's post:
  • General Weed, NightHawkd, Hitman, Random, Panda, Reebs, Divey, ELAD, Jonas, DVN, Ivan Tempski

This will be my last announcement as Director and Owner of Estleback Corporation.

I, Floodify, have had a great luck being involved with such a wonderful team of individuals and to accomplish things. Recently I have seen great initiative from people all around me and all though I do feel as if Estleback is becoming more of a community rather than a two-mans mission, but the time for me to step down has come.

I have had Estleback in my possesion since early 2013, and with that a lot of joy and equally as much as frustration has come out of it. This time around the frustration has become unbearable and to a point of destructive to my persona, which has led me to leave the Director seat and hand it over to my most trusted liaison, Link66.

I feel as if I have to make an apology, but you are in better hands than you would ever be so perhaps that is not the right thing to do. Perhaps its more of a gesture of appreciation towards you all, and indeed respect, that I feel that my time to move along has come. Both new and old members of the clan have contributed so much and I am sure that it will continue. Estleback is something else.. something more than just a clan.. it's a group of unity with equal amount of respect to eachother. It goes without saying that conflicts arises every now and then, but the maturity and underlying respect for the contribution of each member overcomes the conflict in question - every time. To sum it up, it is a family.

I am leaving my duties as Director of Estleback and Owner at 12 pm, GMT. From that date, Link66 will be the new owner and director and will have full control over the operation. I do not have any plans on returning, but I will always look over the fence and see what you are doing.

All current duties and assignments have been handed over to Link66 and he will firstly and most importantly discuss this with Noda and then delegate out certain matters around the clan. Expect great changes and new possibilities being presented. This may be a stressful period for some, but worry not - the priorities will be in check and I shall be assisting with the transition in any way I can.

There are so many people I want to thank. I have become astounded by the efforts of some individuals lately, and I promise that it will not go unnoticed. Even the smallest of deeds has made Estleback to what it is and if you all contunie with that spirit, nothing will stop the unbreakable force that we all are or have been apart of.

Therefore I am signing off on the last post I will make as an Owner and Director of Estleback. Please welcome Link66 as the new Owner and Director.

This has been all,

Director of Estleback Corporation
Floodify, Estleback Corporation Commander
Kind Regards,
The downfall of Estleback is coming... and that's not good Sad

Tip of the hat flood, maybe a bow or salute, no one could run a clan better than you.

Make a new clan fam or you will be slowly run over by sayyyy... kaizen idk?

Sorry had to say
(04-10-2017, 08:31 PM)ARPANettic Wrote: The downfall of Estleback is coming... and that's not good Sad

Tip of the hat flood, maybe a bow or salute, no one could run a clan better than you.

Make a new clan fam or you will be slowly run over by sayyyy... kaizen idk?

Sorry had to say

Estleback is still going to be a strong clan. Link I think will be a good Owner of the clan.
 I dont see any downfall anytime soon.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:81986316&b=12]
The following 11 users Like Janzo 火's post:
  • Divey, Link, Eclipze, MasterNoda, Floodify, Ivan Tempski, NightHawkd, Hitman, Jonas, Tmdirtbike, Archer
(04-10-2017, 08:31 PM)ARPANettic Wrote: The downfall of Estleback is coming... and that's not good Sad

Tip of the hat flood, maybe a bow or salute, no one could run a clan better than you.

Make a new clan fam or you will be slowly run over by sayyyy... kaizen idk?

Sorry had to say

Estleback certainly isn't on the path to fail. Link will do an amazing job as Director. Many of the operatives within Estleback are dedicated and enthusiastic about their position. Remember that the number of members does not equal the standing or prestige of a clan.
The following 4 users Like chopchop1614's post:
  • Floodify, Link, Tmdirtbike, MasterNoda
*A Letter is posted to the Estleback Headquarters addressed to A.Velaris*

[Image: deaa0a1d7e41380fd0ae2c24bc4dd51f.png]

Dear A.Velaris, 

I am sad to hear about your departure from Estleback as you have grown something truly great from the citizens of EvoCity and have become a beacon of hope for many. I am deeply saddened to see you resignation from the highest position available in Estleback and hope that Estleback will still strive without you. Once before I was in Estleback, and however short it was you were definitely a strong and powerful leader. What happened in the past stays in the past is what I say. Now we must look to the future. The future of Estleback and the future of yourself. I hope that what you set out for will soon be finished you have accomplished a lot in EvoCity and I'm sure your appreciate by many.

Yours Sincerely,
Joseph 'Vantiago' Deacon
[Image: 006f70134327f2c74d5c27c667354e12.png]


Its actually really sad to see you leave Estleback as you were a great leader of a great clan. In my eyes Estleback done something not many clans have achieved before but they done it in style. You created a community in a community. If you were on Fearless you probably heard 'Estleback' being mentioned atleast once. You managed to keep it up for so long too. You have been that clans leader for so long and will probably be missed greatly by everyone. Sad to see you leave but you never know what the future will hold.

Joe Joe
Fearless Teacher Admin Clan Officer Admin Event Manager Clan Officer Veteran Admin Event Manager Veteran Management Veteran

[Image: OMVm0Um.png]
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