Estleback Corporation

Employees and colleagues of Estleback Corporation,

We have recently decided that the clan page needed some revision and updating. The original page had many grammatical errors and some old information.

The corporation and I found it would be most appropriate for the Media and Recruit department to do such revisions. 
Therefore, I am proud to announce we, the Media and Recruit department, have completed this task and are moving on to greater things.

We look forward to improving the Estleback Corporation and the image we produce. I look forward to working with you all.

Alejandro Lebetai
Field Operative, Media and Recruit Specialist
Kind regards,
The following 3 users Like Tmdirtbike's post:
  • Ratatoskrr, chopchop1614, Floodify

A whole plethora of staff announcements today; I'll keep it short and snappy.

We have one new addition to the team in the form of 'Taylor Crawley' (ChopShop). Mr Crawley's application and personal presentation is good, however we feel he has many areas to work on. I would like to reiterate that employment contracts can be terminated at any time, so keeping on top of your game is mandatory and self improvement is strongly advised.

We have regretfully, and in some cases not, decided to deny some applicants. Mr Deniz 'Sharpshooter' Kelleci has, again, been denied for not responding to our interview e-mails (he denied my Steam friend request). On top of this, our internal review process has  concluded your temperament may not be ideal for this type of organisation.

We have also decided to deny Mr 'Joseph Vantiago Deacon' (JoeJoeBinks). Even after a stellar and almost perfect interview, we still believe that Mr Deacon lacks in experience for the job. On top of this, and more importantly, certain timetable factors mean his personal schedule conflicts with ours, meaning he wouldn't be available to participate in our operations half the time. This is regretful as we saw great promise in this applicant. 

Finally, we have decided to deny Mr 'Amy Simone' (Dylan #Gaypride). This is because we don't believe he has the required experience to join us ,and the fact he does not meet 3 entry requirements and has not talked to governance about any special considerations.

However, may I remind all denied applicants that you may reapply after a month of initial denial.

Kind regards,

Deputy Director of the Estleback Corporation
The following 8 users Like Link's post:
  • Floodify, General Weed, Ivan Tempski, Tmdirtbike, Joe Joe, Ratatoskrr, chopchop1614, yurivw
[Image: 2lly4C5.png]

The remnants of a dark force awakens...

At 4 pm ZULU time on the 26th of January the Director Anthony 'Flood' Válaris briefed the handful of active Field Operatives, regarding an assignment he had prior received by an unnamed client. The assignment involved meeting with a client in a EvoCity rural area, Little Village. The loyal and brave Field Operatives Gonzalo' G.Weed' Rodriguez and Jefferson 'RockDude' Stafford, as well as the Deputy Director Steve 'Link' Burwin, were at the Director's disposal. With little to none information about what may await the Corporation, the active operatives set off at 4:28 pm in the newly upgraded Rover's to the Little Village.

[spoiler=Corleone saluting the convoy and more]
[Image: COGy8Bo.jpg]
[Image: aPqLZbx.jpg]

At 4:32 pm, after a suspicious police vehicle tailing the convoy, the FO's hit the ground at Little Village. Suspicious of ambushes in the rather enclosed area, the Corporation cleared out and searched each building with great care and immense efficiency. Upon clearing out the final house a briefcase with a 6 digit code was found. Cautiously opening it outside it reveled a sealed document with the title "Appomattox Custos"

[spoiler=Snapshot taken from body camera]
[Image: R2xO0Hw.jpg]
[Image: tZLKru0.jpg]
[Image: b99e2f3b74e59fd9cdf5cbd2b1467839.png]
[Image: 5VPLl2k.jpg]

The document contained sensitive information regarding a past enemy by the name of Fulcrum. About two years ago Estleback Corporation destroyed the very last part of Fulcrum following the very successful" Vasethera Operation" - or so the corporation thought. Now Estleback is once more at the brink of war with a ghost organisation - whether it is the Fulcrum Organisation that has fought its way out of the very grave our FO's threw them in, or a newly discovered legacy that has come to haunt us remains to be seen. But as a result of this, all resources used in the war against Fulcrum, Beltran Leyva and Candolini Family is now once more again in use - with full effect. All FO's needs to be available at all times, for this is a time of crisis.

All employees will receive a document with extensive information regarding the situation and what precautions will be used. The document will vary based on what clearance you have received - do note that you may no share your clearance information with an individual that is below you in the clearance class.

My trust is in each and single Field Operatives as well as in the leading operatives in the Governance.

This is all for now,

Director of Estleback Corporation
Anthony 'Flood' Válaris, Estleback Corporation Commander

Attached Documents:

[spoiler=Out of Character]
In this clan we've always focused on creating a storyline rather than doing occasional roleplays. This enriches us with a clan history that we can look back at with joy and as well develop new events on. Prior to the closure the storyline was a bit of a spontaneous one with a lot of plot holes. After the reopening, however, we have decided to establish a full storyline and base the events of it. And this is the first episode of of season two of Estleback Corporation.

The storyline will contain big but as well as small events that each is of great importance. We believe that we can establish a far more united clan using this method of creating events. Our next event in this storyline will be one of our most immersive ones throughout our time and we, Link and I, look forward to share this with our clan members.

All future events will be cut in the category "New Generation" in our event section. Events and roleplays that somewhat involves this storyline will be marked accordingly.

Kind Regards,
The following 8 users Like Floodify's post:
  • Link, RockDead69, Jonas, NightHawkd, Joe Joe, Tmdirtbike, chopchop1614, Hitman
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: JazzlesMan
Link to Steam Profile:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:81330464

Real Age: 17

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 390 ish

How many RP points do you have?: 7

How many bans and/or blacklists do you have?: 7 bans, 15 blacklists, all far in the past I assure you

What time zone do you live in, in relation to GMT?: GMT

How many hours in the past 2 weeks have you been playing on G-Mod?: 44.6

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 5

Have you been in other clans? If so, which one(s)?: No

Describe your personality: Quiet, Loyal, Willingness to learn and improve, able to focus and concentrate

What makes YOU individual and differ from all of the other candidates?:
I am an extremely loyal and proud person, I adore being part of something and having a sense of loyalty and importance. Always willing to RP to a great extent.

In-Character Information

Full Name: Matthew 'Jazz' Harper

Age: 21

Nationality: English

Describe your personality: Quieter, loyal and dedicated, willingness to learn and improve. Stubborn at times.

Tell us about your history: Large history spanning across many government roles. Started off as a dedicated police officer, quickly advancing into special forces and armed security. Still rapidly learning and advancing at young age.

Acceptance Potential Information [OOC/IC]:

Why are you applying for the Estleback Corporation?: I did an RP with them, seemed like great guys, got a nudge to sign up.

What made the Estleback corporation stand out from the others to you? The organisation, the precision and professionalism made you guys seems SOOOO much better than anything I have seen. Genuinely impressive.

Which specialisation area caught your interest the most and why?: Field operative, security and following orders.

Do you have any past experience in the position you are applying for?: No past experience in clans, only in previous events and RP's, and then the casual experience of server RP.

Do you have access to proper suits?: Donator, 7 RPP points, close to better suits, donator for suits

Do you have any references we can contact? (Link their Steam Profiles): No-one I can think of off the top of my head. General server players.
The following 6 users Like JazzlesMan's post:
  • Ivan Tempski, Link, Floodify, Jonas, General Weed, chopchop1614
Mission Debrief: 01/28/2017 || Rescuing the city from a tyrann

Yesterday was an eventful day. Upon arriving for a days work at our city headquarter, we noticed a new regime had taken over the city. Not only was this president an inconvenience for the very citizens of which he is serving for, but also for Estleback Corporation. During the very same week that the president and his vice president claimed the honorable seat, he had managed to force multiple individuals based on their ethnicity and sexual orientation out of the inner-city. On top of that, Estleback Corporation had been branded as an illegal and rouge organisation, presumably because he had acknowledge the very destiny he would face after establishing these inhuman laws. Just minutes after, a law to take all Estleback personnel into custody was put into effect. As the diplomatic corporation that we strive to be we attempted to reason with the government officials - unfortunately with no success. As a consequences, the Director and a Field Operative was put into remand, with a bail of $13,000.

Shortly after the bail was paid, all Estleback personnel gathered at the Little Village with various associates. The sole purpose of this was to forcefully dethrone the "President". The intentions of not harming any government officials was established early on, but unfortunately changed close afterwards. Supposedly one of the associates had been tailed by an officer, who understandably called for backup. With great regret, we had to fight our way through the swarm of police officers out of the Little Village. By a very compliant police officer we managed to acquire the President's location and shortly after he was put out of service.

Spoiler: Photos extracted from FO's bodycamera

It was indisputably a day of chaos. But with great leadership by Deputy Director Steve 'Link' Burwin, and Director of Development Noah 'Noda' Grayson, it in the end got the results we were hoping for. Outstanding efforts by our Field Operatives was duly noted. By displaying great loyalty, the Governance decided to promote Ivan Tempski to Field Operative [FO]. We are sure he will be with us for a great period of time and accomplish things beyond our imagination. Furthermore, after showing exceptional initiativ and ambition we decided that the Field Division is in a great need of a new Senior Field Operative [SFO] - Lee 'Jonas' Wong. He has been tasked to lead our squadron of Field Operatives and through being a specialist with Strategy and Armory, also train the Field Operatives. Quick after his promotion he proved to us he was the right choice. May you all congratulate our new Field Operative and Senior Field Operative!

[Image: pOo53y3.jpg]
[Image: iLXxLzw.jpg]

We spent the rest of the day to establish security net for the newly appointed President, with no incidents what so ever. We decided it was worth investing resources into the new and fair Government in order to keep situations like before from happening again. We are strong believers in justice for all citizens - but it must be fair and logical.  

Spoiler: Photos extracted from FO's bodycamera


A blast from the past..

At the end of the day when all personnel was heading back to their loved ones after a tough day, a beautiful sight was spotted at the Lake. Our long lost child had been found by our Director of Development. The citizens were quick to take a photo of it and share it online..

[Image: phYUpzA.jpg]

This is all for now,

Director of Estleback Corporation
Anthony 'Flood' Válaris, Estleback Corporation Commander
Kind Regards,
The following 10 users Like Floodify's post:
  • RockDead69, chopchop1614, Ivan Tempski, Link, Jonas, Joe Joe, General Weed, JazzlesMan, Envy, Tmdirtbike
You are growing too big, there wont be room for the both of us anymore in our city, I suggest you watch out, you may consider this a warning

Mr Booty Denino
The following 6 users Like Greed^'s post:
  • Link, Awestruck, Janzo 火, Goat, Ratatoskrr, RobotDuck
A day of success

It is now a new month and yesterday we kicked it off in an extraordinary fashion. I had unfortunately arrived slightly late to our scheduled meeting due to an appointment with my doctor at the EvoCity General Hospital. But as I arrived to the meeting which Steve 'Link' Burwin had organized well, I was welcomed by the great Camorro Family at their villa. In the admiring villas we were invited to a dinner of Meatpie and one of their finest wines. We had a very productive dinner which ended with a guide on the Jaguary Putelle, hosted by our Director of Development, Noah Grayson.

As often as ever we had certain staff changes. With the acquiring of Park Industries, we gained two new excellent employees - Blake 'NightHawkd' Nightly and Jony ’Hitman’ Ive. They both showed an immediate dedication to Estleback and has such been given the Field Operative position with us. Furthermore, Blake 'NightHawkd' Nightly insisted on taking part of the Strategy and Armory specialization area - along with Lee 'Jonas' Wong. They will train their colleagues to be far more effective on the field and to develop new methods of action. It is well needed and the work began just minutes after his promotion.

We have also decided, upon great observation, to promote the very employees we have great expectation for - Joseph 'Yurivw' Steiner and Taylor 'ChopChop' Crawley to Field Opeartives. Not many weeks has passed since they became a part of Estleback, but during those weeks we have seen a tremendous initiative and dedication. Please congratulate them.  

[Image: yKxucF8.jpg]

Among all brotherhoods there is always a certain someone that feels slightly isolated. At Estleback we try to keep everyone involve, but it is a two-way street no doubt. With no display of true dedication nor the ambition to ever move on from the Trial Field Operative rank, we decided to terminate the employee contract of Mia Elizabeth 'aQuack' Finch. We had certain hesitations upon her acceptance and we have decided after evaluating her Trial period to not keep her. Although a conflict took place upon informing the now ex-employee of Estleback of her termination, I wish her good luck nevertheless. To you I just have to say that I take care of my employees as if they were my family and I do not appreciate any condescending tone whilst taking about them.

It has been a day of possibilities. We have seen new opportunities arise and we will take all chances to use them. A special thank you to Steve 'Link' Burwin for being such an amazing colleague. I would of never been able to take Estleback out of the grave without your assistance. With our extraordinary help from current employees, I am sure some things will be taken off your rather cramped table of responsibility. This all has me thinking back on what Estleback was and what it is about to become..

[Image: 70263316552abcadc3176ae1dc14078a.jpg]

I thank each and everyone,

Director of Estleback Corporation
Anthony 'Flood' Válaris, Estleback Corporation Commander
Kind Regards,

Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Panda

Link to Steam Profile: Here

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:63257200

Real Age: 14 ( 15 in May )

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 1321 hours

How many RP points do you have?:  3 points

How many bans and/or blacklists do you have?: 6 Bans and 5 Blacklists (All Bans and Blacklists over 4 months ago)

What time zone do you live in, in relation to GMT?: GMT + 0

How many hours in the past 2 weeks have you been playing on G-Mod?: 110 hours

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 10

Have you been in other clans? If so, which one(s)?: Illuzion Corp, Denino Family.

Describe your personality: I'm pretty shy at first speaking, but when I get to know you, I will be the opposite.

What makes YOU individual and differ from all of the other candidates?: I am a very loyal and trustworthy person, you could always depend on me.   

In-Character Information

Full Name: Matt Velazquez

Age: 24

Nationality: American

Describe your personality: I am a serious man that’s very confident, easy to talk to and capable of doing many great things.

Tell us about your history: Matt Velazquez grew up in the outskirts of Evocity. His family was poor and his father was out of a job, with the little amounts of money he had, he was forced to move to the army, where he got really high in the rankings, he was in war in Iraq and got shot and was put out of his position for a few years. Now he is looking for a job with his passion. A gun in his hands and a scope in his eyes. Protecting/serving for the city he grew up in.

Acceptance Potential Information [OOC/IC]:

Why are you applying for the Estleback Corporation?: I want to apply for Estleback Corporation because i’ve heard a lot of good things about the Corporation, and i’ve been asked on multiple occasions to join, so i sat down reading every public document there is to read, and then I thought that i’d apply, as it seems extremely interesting and would give me more roleplay options, i’ve heard that the roleplays are done very often, and i’d like to be apart of that.

What made the Estleback corporation stand out from the others to you? It looked like a really organised corporation, I read through the backstories and history of the corporation. It seemed really interesting and I would love to be apart of that history.

Which specialization area caught your interest the most and why?: MnR, because I would love to help the corporation to not only grow in size, but in members.

Do you have any past experience in the position you are applying for?: Yes, quite a few years of experience. I recruited members of my own in the army as a sergeant. So I know what to look for in a worker and what to not look for.

Do you have access to proper suits?: Yes.

Do you have any references we can contact? (Link their Steam Profiles):
[FL:M] Jonas (

Thank you for reading my application.

[Image: 25de95eda96cd90f9d11ab52cc660ad3.png]
NOT AN Administrator
The following 5 users Like Panda's post:
  • Jonas, General Weed, JazzlesMan, Broccoli, Eclipze

I am pleased to announce we now have four new additions to our team.  The first, Mr Matthew 'Jazz' Harper (JazzlesMan), has all of the assets we look or in an applicant; he has showed his professionalism in multiple mediums, both internally and externally. On top of a stellar interview, his previous interactions with us reinforced the decision that was ultimately made about his employment. Congratulations!

The rest of the additions to our team come as a result of our acquisition of Park Industries. I would like to give a warm welcome to both Blake Nightly (NightHawk) and Jony Ive (Hitman)! It is a real honour to have two such experienced gentlemen helping us in our objective of national peace and safety, and your efforts will greatly accelerate the progress to our goals.

Finally, even though I usually hate Mondays, this one is an exception. Our newest member, who goes by the name of 'Jack Mondays' (Reebs), is an ex-Park employee, and I am looking forward to getting to know him better.

As to all current applicants, stay put. We will get back to you soon!

Tomorrow, the Estleback Corporation will be providing security for 'The Great Debate' at 8PM GMT+0. I am looking forward to meeting both members of the public who decide to attend, and the presidential candidates that will be verbally battling it out on stage! You can find the thread and all related information about the event here.

On an unrelated note, I would request that all serving operatives check the communication hub for updated information about standard operating procedures. 

Kind regards,

Deputy Director of the Estleback Corporation
*Estleback receives a letter in their mailbox.*

FROM: Krissy Blake, Bentley Productions Co-Owner
TO: Estleback Corporation

Dear Estleback Executives,

I feel deeply insulted. You have accused me and my company of murder. I assure you professor GoldChainZ (former rap icon) is very much ALIVE in the hospital. In fact, I was there to visit him just earlier today. Bentley Productions has never murdered anybody. We are not a bloody gang but a production company!

Not only that, you declined my invitation to a restaurant (which was very expensive) and instead you dragged me out and threatened me in a forest. You gave me no warning and therefore absolutely ruined my Evorsace high heels. They are current season and limited edition. Now they look no better than a Dr. Breen's lost shoe.

I have enjoyed good relations with Estleback in the past but if they are to continue then I expect an apology and I expect you to cover the cost of my shoes. See the reciept.

Krissy Blake, Your friend(?) in showbusiness

The following 10 users Like Lesanka's post:
  • Divey, Avgar, Awestruck, Random, Horseman, DreeBott, RockDead69, Marvin, MrFinnConlon, Envy

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